Well here we are the spookiest day of the year, filled with children overdosed on sugar. For the first time I can ever remember we have no plans tonight but I think we will be going over to John and Aimee's and just hang out. I wish I could be more enthusiatic but I am tired and crampy. Ick!
My favorite pms/period symptom is the crying. Oh yeah baby every five minutes as if on cue.
I think I am just going to stay in my pj's for the rest of the day and eat crap. Maybe I will even have a nap.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Zombie Meghan, and no I am not talking about Halloween.
Damn I am tired. I don't have words for this tired. We stayed out rather late last night and when we got home I stayed up reading until almost 5am (Sweet Baboo bought me the new Douglas Coupland book and I JUST COULDN'T STOP) but between the evil ball of WET fur that is my extra needy cat (I thought they were supposed to be independant?!! This cat wakes me up because he needs to cuddle! If I wanted that I would just date a woman!) and the evil spawn upstairs (who believes that those large bottles of water from water coolers are a usefull percussion toy when they are empty) I got just a little over 4 hours of sleep. I ws supposed to get a little extra sleep today 'cause the clocks went back last night but let's face it there is NO joy in Megville today.
Today we are going to look at a different apartment. It can't hurt to look and get the information. Friends of mine live there and they are dying to sublet so they can move into another place. It is two levels and it has REAL windows and light and it is in a great 'hood walking distance to Theresa and James, Sara, and John and Aimee. I have never been in it but it sounds beautiful. Of course price it real deal breaker and if they allow pets. As evil as Ozzy is some days I am not moving without him. I think that Sweet Boboo really doen't want to move however I am feeling pretty worried about the sale of this house, I am tired of the cramped quarters and the low celilings and the dire lack of natural light. I feel like a dwarf dwelling under ground. The thing I love the most about this place is the garden and I could give that up for more space. I know that the people upstairs will only be here for another month or so, but what if the new oweners have more children? Worse children?? Anyway it can't hurt to look at Dave and Dave's place. The worst case secnario is we see it, totally fall in love with it and can't afford it. That happens to me all the time, that kind of disapointment I can recover from. The best case we see it, love it, we can totally fit it in our budget, they allow cats and we have a new and beautiful home, Dave and Dave get to move too. Either way we are not talking life and death stuff.
ACK my body is all screwed up, between the time change, YAY daylights savings, and the lack of sleep I feel like the walking dead, fitting since tomorrow is Halloween. Speaking of.... One of the reasons I can't wait to have kids is to make 'holidays' like Halloween fun again. We tried to make plans for Halloween this year but they died. No one was that into it.
Anyway Sweet Baboo wants to use the computer and I guess I shall be compliant... for once.
Today we are going to look at a different apartment. It can't hurt to look and get the information. Friends of mine live there and they are dying to sublet so they can move into another place. It is two levels and it has REAL windows and light and it is in a great 'hood walking distance to Theresa and James, Sara, and John and Aimee. I have never been in it but it sounds beautiful. Of course price it real deal breaker and if they allow pets. As evil as Ozzy is some days I am not moving without him. I think that Sweet Boboo really doen't want to move however I am feeling pretty worried about the sale of this house, I am tired of the cramped quarters and the low celilings and the dire lack of natural light. I feel like a dwarf dwelling under ground. The thing I love the most about this place is the garden and I could give that up for more space. I know that the people upstairs will only be here for another month or so, but what if the new oweners have more children? Worse children?? Anyway it can't hurt to look at Dave and Dave's place. The worst case secnario is we see it, totally fall in love with it and can't afford it. That happens to me all the time, that kind of disapointment I can recover from. The best case we see it, love it, we can totally fit it in our budget, they allow cats and we have a new and beautiful home, Dave and Dave get to move too. Either way we are not talking life and death stuff.
ACK my body is all screwed up, between the time change, YAY daylights savings, and the lack of sleep I feel like the walking dead, fitting since tomorrow is Halloween. Speaking of.... One of the reasons I can't wait to have kids is to make 'holidays' like Halloween fun again. We tried to make plans for Halloween this year but they died. No one was that into it.
Anyway Sweet Baboo wants to use the computer and I guess I shall be compliant... for once.
Friday, October 28, 2005
This is so fun! http://www.nobodyhere.com/toren.hier Don't ask me why but I could sit there all day and bounce those guys. Maybe I need more of a life. Or a loaf, a good loaf would be nice. I think maybe I will make banana bread today.
Right now I have to grab a shower because mom is on her way to kidnap me.
Right now I have to grab a shower because mom is on her way to kidnap me.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Welcome to the world Jack! or a boat load of boys.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Beautiful Fall day in Nova Scota or This one is for my Brother Stephen
Yesterday was the first sunny Saturday of the fall so Sweet Baboo and I set out on an adventure to pick pumpkins and experience the joy of Autumn to share with my big brother Stephen who lives MUCH too far away.
This is the pumpkin patch we stopped at in Onslow (just outside Truro).

Pumpkin! I was as more excited then a kid at Chirstmas

Sweet Baboo was pretty excited too!

Picking up pumpkins is a great work out.

Besides the pumpkins we also saw a whole lot of animale action. I was that crazy person you see on the side of the road taking pictures of cows...
and GOATS!
It was a PERFECT day!
This is the pumpkin patch we stopped at in Onslow (just outside Truro).

Pumpkin! I was as more excited then a kid at Chirstmas

Sweet Baboo was pretty excited too!

Picking up pumpkins is a great work out.

Besides the pumpkins we also saw a whole lot of animale action. I was that crazy person you see on the side of the road taking pictures of cows...

It was a PERFECT day!

Saturday, October 22, 2005
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
I got email from a dear friend from university today letting me know that his Mother was sick with cancer and not likely to last very long as it is in her brain, lungs and liver. I am so sad for him, for both of them. and of course it makes me think of my own sweet mother. It is that time of year for me, as much as I love October it does mean that November is just around the corner. As much as I try to not think about it I can't help but still hating November. It is a cold, bleak month and it stole my Mother. I know I am a grown up and I should not think like that but somethings are just engraved to deep on the the soul. Sounds mellow dramatic doesn't it. Well maybe it is I am a drama Queen, but fault me when your Mother, Mom, Mommy has been gone 20 years, 11 month and 9 days. That is 1,092 weeks, 7,648 days, 1883,552 hours. I can't tell you how long that is to a heart. I am so lucky, I have a woman in my life who loves me, who cares what happens to me and is a wonderful mom to me but no matter how much she means to me, no matter how close we areshe can't fill the whole that my own Mothers death left in my soul. As I grow into adulthoodI grieve her in a new and perhaps deeper way. At 30 I understand much better how young 44 is. I understand how lonley she muct have been and how tired she must have felt because she spent almost all over her adult life dealing with abusive, alcoholic husbands, divorces, loss and illness. When she wasn't dealing will all that garbage she was a mother of three children who worked full time. I am not sure what dreams she had for herself, she never got a chance to share that with me, but I am sure that she did not get to fulfill many of them. I guess I am not supposed to feel sorry for my own Mother but I can't help it. I am not a mother yet but I can't imagin how terrible it must have been for her to know she was too sick to care for her own children, to know that she was going to die and leave us behind and she wouldn't see us grow up.
Hmmmm two dark posts in a row, I need to break out of my funk. I will try and my my next post a little more pleasent.
Hmmmm two dark posts in a row, I need to break out of my funk. I will try and my my next post a little more pleasent.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Just a day.
Ahh Tuesday. Nothing special going on today, laundry and house work and day time tv. The fun life of a house bitch. But honestly I don't mind that much. I do want to get back to work but not until I find something I REALLY enjoy. I can't stand the thoought of going back to retail and making NO money to be shit on all day. So I hope to find something different. I would love to go back to school and do it right this time. I basically blew university by being a total basket case for most of my 20's. Everything I ever undertook in that decade seemed to be set off kilter by the raging undercurrent of mental instability. I never finished anything I started, I was so busy focusing on being in pain and being angry and being a fuck up that I threw away a lot of very valuble oppertunities that I now wish I had been able to use. I feel, sometimes, that I am bound to stay in in go no where job like retail for ever because I made such a mess of my 20's. Hmmm where did this train of thought come from? deffinetly a dark moment I was not expecting. Off to make dinner and break out from this funk.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Oh the fair!
Yesterday was a cold rainy October Sunday. Sweet Baboo and I were planning on going to Pete's to grab some groceries and hang out with the yuppies but then Aimee called to ask if I would go the fair with her. I thought about it for a moment, it is cold, damp and I am 30 years old, what could possibly go wrong? Well let me just tell you that I am just not as nimble as I used to be, also my tummy gets upset REALLY easily now. It didn't used to do that. I used to avoid rides at the fair that seems liked scary death machines that would certainly spin my out into orbit and into certain death. Now I just want to avoid hurling my guts out. Everything made me feel sick. I felt like I was amillion years old. I know that at some point this was an expereince I considered pleasurable. Thank goodness Aimee had another girl with her so she could go on more rides after I gave up, sure that ONE MORE SPIN WOULD KILL ME! There were fun things thoug, the junk food (consumed only AFTER my tummy stopped spinning), the baby animals, the super dogs, watching Aimee spin like a mad freak of nature on the a evil looking ride called the Spider.
And Sunday night was lovely, Sweet Baboo made a great dinner and we snuggled in to watch Sunday nigth TV. It was warm and cozy, due in large part to the fact that the oven was on for a few hours. I love Sunday so much. Oh I forgot, I also made breakfast yesterday morning. Yummy Toad in a Hole. I used garlic butter instead of regular butter and it was to die for. I don't usually make breakfast on the weekend, it is a chore I usually pass off on to Sweet Baboo since I don't really like cooking. And I am lazy. But I thought it would be a nice thing for me to do if I did something thing for him for once. I am making an effort to try and be a better partner. We had a big fight last week and I realized that if I really want to make this relationship work we both have to put more effort into it. I can't change him but maybe if he sees me working hard then it will show him that I am serious and he will want to make some changes too. I can only change me. Can you tell I have been reading? Anyway before you get it in your head that we have real problems relax, We have the same kind of problems anyone who has lived together for 4 years have. It is only that after a fight you are more accutly aware of the those problems and increase the desire to work on them.
well I am off for lunch with the ladies. Good Day!
And Sunday night was lovely, Sweet Baboo made a great dinner and we snuggled in to watch Sunday nigth TV. It was warm and cozy, due in large part to the fact that the oven was on for a few hours. I love Sunday so much. Oh I forgot, I also made breakfast yesterday morning. Yummy Toad in a Hole. I used garlic butter instead of regular butter and it was to die for. I don't usually make breakfast on the weekend, it is a chore I usually pass off on to Sweet Baboo since I don't really like cooking. And I am lazy. But I thought it would be a nice thing for me to do if I did something thing for him for once. I am making an effort to try and be a better partner. We had a big fight last week and I realized that if I really want to make this relationship work we both have to put more effort into it. I can't change him but maybe if he sees me working hard then it will show him that I am serious and he will want to make some changes too. I can only change me. Can you tell I have been reading? Anyway before you get it in your head that we have real problems relax, We have the same kind of problems anyone who has lived together for 4 years have. It is only that after a fight you are more accutly aware of the those problems and increase the desire to work on them.
well I am off for lunch with the ladies. Good Day!
Monday, October 10, 2005
Cured by Turkey, it is a Thanksgiving MIRICLE!!
Well it has been a pretty terrible week all in all. I came down witht he stomache flu from hell on Monday evening. Oh yeah baby, I have NEVER thrown up like this before. I know people say this everytime they are sick but I swear I have NEVER BEEN THIS SICK before. Poor Sweet Baboo had to drop me off at the hospital emergency room before driving himself to the airport to catch a flight to Montreal. Of course poor me had to stay home for a week by myself while my body imploded. I am finally feeling better this evening and even had a bit of Thanksgiving Dinner at Uncle Walter and Aunt Leona's. I am planning a BIG Thanksgiving Dinner Extravaganza for later in the month so that I can have a real good meal. I think I will invite The Graham's (hehe) and Rena. Well anyway I am feeling better so I will write more soon.
Sunday, October 02, 2005
30 years old is TOO old for hickies!! And other funny stories.
Okay today was a funny day and not ALL haha funny. I woke at the crack of dawn (or noon) to the phone ringing. It was my sister saying that mom was on her way to pick us up to take us to tea... 5 hours later mother arrived. You might think this angered me or that I was worried she was dead in a ditch or that I would have learned the last 100 times that mother NEVER arrives on time and I should NOT hop right in the shower and panic getting ready. But I did none of the above. So finally she arrived but it was too late for tea and everyone was getting to that hungry and tired so we just headed to Wong's for some Chinese. I can't remember the last time just us girls (Mom, Elizabeth, Tiffany and I) all spent anytime together so it was pretty nice. My family tree is so twisted, messed up and convoluted thing I don't have time to explain it all but I will say that the mom who I had dinner with is not the woman who brought me into the world or nurtured me through the first ten years of my life. She is also not the evil bitch my dad married after my saited mother died. She is however the woman who has held my hand, protected me and loved me since I was 13 years old. The best thing in the world is knowing that someone loves you no matter what with no legal or parental obligation. I love days like today when we spend time together and I never feel like an outsider, my family drives me friggin' crazy but I really know that they are mine. Anyway I just had a sappy moment but now it has passed.
Sweet Baboo and I were feeling frisky tonight and he left a hicky on either side of my neck. I have to go to a baby shower tomorrow for one of my best friends, with respectable adults with two love bites on my neck! That man is in so much trouble but of course he is forgiven 'cause the frisky was fun.
Sweet Baboo and I were feeling frisky tonight and he left a hicky on either side of my neck. I have to go to a baby shower tomorrow for one of my best friends, with respectable adults with two love bites on my neck! That man is in so much trouble but of course he is forgiven 'cause the frisky was fun.
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