I am sorry I was such a cranky puss yesterday. I was feeling very bah humbug and I let it get the better of me, today I aim to improve. I am sneaking a little computer time at work as it has been, on whole, been a very unproductive day. We had a little Christmas pot luck fun today, funny office stuff. I am not really used to working in this kind of enviornment. I actually really enjoy it, the 9-5 life suits me well.
I got to have a brief word with my wonderful brother this morning. I called and bugged him at work. I took it upon myself to make sure he was not running off to the alter today with the other 670 gay men in England. Don't get me wrong, I WANT he and Simon to get married, I can't think of anything I would loe more for my brother then to be able to live in wedded bliss with the man he loves, however I want to be there! I must be apart of it. He married once without his family there to help him celbrate, he is not allowed to do that again.
My little nephew Louis turned 9 this past week and I can't believe so much time has passed. I haven't seen him since he was still in nappys, it is hard to believe he is now 9 and sooo smart.
So happy birthday LuLu, you are an AMAZING boy.
well I must get back to work now, one more hour until quitting time. Cross your fingers Gil will be home tonight.