Sneaking a little net time on my lunch break to say Hi, so HI! Things in the land of the Queen are pretty boring, I have this stinking cold that won't go away. I actually took a second sick day on Tuesday (oh the guilt! I can't even being to tell you.) I took a lot of pictures from my sick bed, the poor cat had to endure yet another "mummy's bored" photo session. Maybe I will post some of those pics later. Gil, who is also sick with the same cold, is in PEI again and while I do miss him and am feeling bad for him being sick in a place that is not home, I am happy(ish) that I have the bed to myself. We are not meant to be sick at the same time, it is just not good, I WAY too selfish to share my self. I want to hog the bed and be waited on. When both people are sick there are two sets of gross noises, two people tossing in the bed and NO one wants to go to the store and buy OJ and chicken noodle soup. Yesterday I forgot that Gil was heading back to the Island and I did not bring my keys with me to work so I was locked out until I got ahold of the landlords. Thank goodness for James and Theresa who took me in like the stray I am. It was actually a very enjoyable evening with Pizza and good conversation, as is always the case when Theresa, James and Rena are concerned. Speaking of which I had the most amazing night on Monday. I was invited to the Moir home to watch coverage of the election and I have to say it was one of the best evening I have spent in recent memory. Of course I was disappointed with the results but I feel like I learned more sitting in that livingroom then I did in years. These people are SO smart, driven and passionate. Mix that all with kind and down to earth with good taste is wine and they are pretty much perfect. I guess that is why I like them so much.
As for the actual election results I am not going to rant about that now. I don't like Steven Harper but it could be a lot worse, they could have a majority government and they don't. What's done is done, now it is time for the Liberal party to find a leader who can really LEAD, a juggernaught, a force to be reckoned with. Gives us a couple of years to re-group and we will be back. I have faith. Anyway I must get back to work. YAY.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Saturday, January 21, 2006
HA! For once one of these things worked!
You Belong in London |
A little old fashioned, and a little modern. A little traditional, and a little bit punk rock. A unique woman like you needs a city that offers everything. No wonder you and London will get along so well. |
Ummmmm I don't think so!
Your Nail Polish Color is Black |
How you're unique: There's nothing about you that isn't unique Why your style rocks: You are a total indie chick... and you can pull it off What this color says about you: "I'm a trendsetter and don't care what anyone else is doing!" |
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Another Quiz, what can I say I am bored.
1. What color are your kitchen plates? White with lovely pink floral. They look very grown up, a whole matching set. They came from Susan K. as house warming gift at the last house.
2. What book are you reading now? Catholicism For Dummies. At the moment it is all comsuming.
3. What's on your mouse pad? Some NHL stuff, I have NO idea where it came from.
4. What's your favorite board game? Trivial Pursuit
5. Favorite magazine? I love magazines. Martha is always fun, anything about home decor.
6. Favorite smell? Baking Bread, Gil right after he shaves, Honey I washed the Kids.
7. Least favorite smell? Cat box.
8. What's the first thing you think of when you wake in the morning? "what the hell is that cat doing??"
9. Favorite color? Pink.
10. Least favorite color? I am not sure, I really like colour a lot. When I was a child I hated the colour yellow.
11. How many rings before you answer the phone? Usually less then 3.
12. Future children's names? Adrian/Leone, .
13. What's your goal in life? To be a mother, and hopefully a good one. To write a book.
14. Favorite actor? John Spencer, Johnny Depp
15. Favorite actress? Allison Janney of West Wing Fame
16. Favorite non alcoholic drink? Ginger Ale or ice water.
17. If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be? I would like to have a long tea and chat with my Mom.
18. If you were stranded on a deserted island, who would you want with you? Gil for sure, I doubt anyone else could keep me sane. At least I would be laughing and he wouldn't care I couldn't shave my legs!
19. How many brothers and sisters do you have? I have a blended family (oh so PC of me) I have more brothers and sisters then I can count.
20. Favorite alcoholic drink? Oh the Grasshopper. Thank you so much my darling Sara for the intorduction.
21. What is your sign and birthday? Capricorn, me and ol' JC. January 4th
22. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? oh yummy yes.
23. If you could have any job what would it be? Personal shopper, or own my own bookstore.
24. If you could have any color hair what would it be? it has been so many colours I don't know, it is hard to pick a different colour because of my complexion.
25. Is the glass half full or half empty? way full!!
26. Favorite movie? Oh dang this question always stumps me, movies say a lot about a person. right at the moment i am on a Finding Nemo kick. That is good solid non thinking fun.
27. Do you type with the right fingers on the right keys? most of the time.
28. What's under your bed? nothing since we stuck the box spring on the floor, a la college flop house.
29. What is your favorite number? 4.
30. What is your favorite food? Oh I love lood, I love all kinds of food. At this moment I am totally craving indian so I think that my judment is coloured by that.
31. What is your single biggest fear? That I will be a terrible parent.
32. Person(s) most likely to respond? no one. This is a blog thing not email.
33. Who is least likely to respond? same as above.
34. Favorite CD? again so HARD, however in a crunch I would say if we are talking about a CD that I love EVERY SIGLE song on and could listen every day for a month and not get bored then I would say Fearless by Francis Dunnery.
35. Favorite TV show? West Wing
36. Ketchup or mustard? ketchup. ON EVERYTHING!
37. Hamburgers or Hot dogs? hotdogs with ketchup & onions.
38. Favorite soft drink? Canada DryGinger Ale.
39. The best place you have ever been? Petite Cap.
40. What screen saver is on your computer right now? I don't.
41. Burger King or McDonald's? Burger King. But Wendy's if I have the choice.
42. Favorite pet? Ozzy my evil but oh so cute fluffy ball of rage.
2. What book are you reading now? Catholicism For Dummies. At the moment it is all comsuming.
3. What's on your mouse pad? Some NHL stuff, I have NO idea where it came from.
4. What's your favorite board game? Trivial Pursuit
5. Favorite magazine? I love magazines. Martha is always fun, anything about home decor.
6. Favorite smell? Baking Bread, Gil right after he shaves, Honey I washed the Kids.
7. Least favorite smell? Cat box.
8. What's the first thing you think of when you wake in the morning? "what the hell is that cat doing??"
9. Favorite color? Pink.
10. Least favorite color? I am not sure, I really like colour a lot. When I was a child I hated the colour yellow.
11. How many rings before you answer the phone? Usually less then 3.
12. Future children's names? Adrian/Leone, .
13. What's your goal in life? To be a mother, and hopefully a good one. To write a book.
14. Favorite actor? John Spencer, Johnny Depp
15. Favorite actress? Allison Janney of West Wing Fame
16. Favorite non alcoholic drink? Ginger Ale or ice water.
17. If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be? I would like to have a long tea and chat with my Mom.
18. If you were stranded on a deserted island, who would you want with you? Gil for sure, I doubt anyone else could keep me sane. At least I would be laughing and he wouldn't care I couldn't shave my legs!
19. How many brothers and sisters do you have? I have a blended family (oh so PC of me) I have more brothers and sisters then I can count.
20. Favorite alcoholic drink? Oh the Grasshopper. Thank you so much my darling Sara for the intorduction.
21. What is your sign and birthday? Capricorn, me and ol' JC. January 4th
22. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? oh yummy yes.
23. If you could have any job what would it be? Personal shopper, or own my own bookstore.
24. If you could have any color hair what would it be? it has been so many colours I don't know, it is hard to pick a different colour because of my complexion.
25. Is the glass half full or half empty? way full!!
26. Favorite movie? Oh dang this question always stumps me, movies say a lot about a person. right at the moment i am on a Finding Nemo kick. That is good solid non thinking fun.
27. Do you type with the right fingers on the right keys? most of the time.
28. What's under your bed? nothing since we stuck the box spring on the floor, a la college flop house.
29. What is your favorite number? 4.
30. What is your favorite food? Oh I love lood, I love all kinds of food. At this moment I am totally craving indian so I think that my judment is coloured by that.
31. What is your single biggest fear? That I will be a terrible parent.
32. Person(s) most likely to respond? no one. This is a blog thing not email.
33. Who is least likely to respond? same as above.
34. Favorite CD? again so HARD, however in a crunch I would say if we are talking about a CD that I love EVERY SIGLE song on and could listen every day for a month and not get bored then I would say Fearless by Francis Dunnery.
35. Favorite TV show? West Wing
36. Ketchup or mustard? ketchup. ON EVERYTHING!
37. Hamburgers or Hot dogs? hotdogs with ketchup & onions.
38. Favorite soft drink? Canada DryGinger Ale.
39. The best place you have ever been? Petite Cap.
40. What screen saver is on your computer right now? I don't.
41. Burger King or McDonald's? Burger King. But Wendy's if I have the choice.
42. Favorite pet? Ozzy my evil but oh so cute fluffy ball of rage.
Chocolate Tube Socks and A Newfie on Speed
Sometimes you just hear things wrong! You remember the telephone game from when you were a kid? Well I hear things mixed up like that all the time, I think that there is a bad connection somewhere between my ears and my brain. No wonder people think I am so weird. Anyway the chocolate tube socks almost made me piss my pants last night, which I have to say was the high light of my otherwise crappy headache day yesterday. I actually called in sick for the first time at new job and I feel so bad for doing it but I just was not getting out of bed yesterday. I hope that is my last sick day for a long time. I like this job and don't want to mess it up with sickness or with evil winter blues, but more on that later. For now I better get back to my desk, break time is just about over.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Three Things.... thanks Amanda K for sending this to me!
3 names I go by:
1. Meghan
2. Meggy
3. Miss Meghead
3 screen names I've had:
1. nut_meg
2. HanMeg
3. Pawdy
3 physical things I like about myself:
1. My eyes
2. My nose
3. My teeth
3 parts of my heritage:
1. Scotish
2. English
3. Native
3 things I am wearing right now:
1. Comfy jeans
2. black velvet panties (friday 13th spooky)
3. electric blue Hello Kitty socks
3 favorite bands/musical artists:
1. Jann Arden
2. Francis Dunnery
3. John Prine
3 favorite songs:
1. Marry Me-Amanda Marshall
2. I am trying to pick a Jann Arden song but there are too many
3. Good Life- Francis Dunnery
3 things I want in a relationship:
1. Trust
2. Laughter
3. Peace
3 physical things about the preferred sex that appeal to me
1. Eyes
2. Shoulders
3. Hands
3 favorite hobbies:
1. Geeking with my friends
2. Reading
3. Watching good movies/TV
3 Things I want to do badly right now:
1. Hear Gil walk through the front door
2. Go someplace really warm
3. Eat some good comfort food
3 things that scare me:
1. Failure
2. Lonliness
3. June Bugs
3 of my everyday essentials:
1. Flax seeds
2. A shower
3. Music
3 Careers you have considered or are considering:
1. Police Officer
2. Social Worker
3. Writer
3 places you want to go on vacation:
1. Thailand
2. Bahamas
3. Australia
3 kids' names you like:
1. Bridget
2. Gregory
3. Adrian
3 things you want to do before you die:
1. Get a drivers licence
2. be happy in a bathing suite
3. have a baby
3 ways I am stereotypically a boy:
1. I roll over and go to sleep
2. I burp like a man
3. I don't like to read directions
3 ways I am stereotypically a girl:
1. I LOVE pink
2. I need a lot of attention
3. I cry a LOT during movies, tv,songs you name it it will make me cry
3 celeb crushes:
1. Brad Pitt
2. Brandon Flowers
3. Owen Wilson
1. Meghan
2. Meggy
3. Miss Meghead
3 screen names I've had:
1. nut_meg
2. HanMeg
3. Pawdy
3 physical things I like about myself:
1. My eyes
2. My nose
3. My teeth
3 parts of my heritage:
1. Scotish
2. English
3. Native
3 things I am wearing right now:
1. Comfy jeans
2. black velvet panties (friday 13th spooky)
3. electric blue Hello Kitty socks
3 favorite bands/musical artists:
1. Jann Arden
2. Francis Dunnery
3. John Prine
3 favorite songs:
1. Marry Me-Amanda Marshall
2. I am trying to pick a Jann Arden song but there are too many
3. Good Life- Francis Dunnery
3 things I want in a relationship:
1. Trust
2. Laughter
3. Peace
3 physical things about the preferred sex that appeal to me
1. Eyes
2. Shoulders
3. Hands
3 favorite hobbies:
1. Geeking with my friends
2. Reading
3. Watching good movies/TV
3 Things I want to do badly right now:
1. Hear Gil walk through the front door
2. Go someplace really warm
3. Eat some good comfort food
3 things that scare me:
1. Failure
2. Lonliness
3. June Bugs
3 of my everyday essentials:
1. Flax seeds
2. A shower
3. Music
3 Careers you have considered or are considering:
1. Police Officer
2. Social Worker
3. Writer
3 places you want to go on vacation:
1. Thailand
2. Bahamas
3. Australia
3 kids' names you like:
1. Bridget
2. Gregory
3. Adrian
3 things you want to do before you die:
1. Get a drivers licence
2. be happy in a bathing suite
3. have a baby
3 ways I am stereotypically a boy:
1. I roll over and go to sleep
2. I burp like a man
3. I don't like to read directions
3 ways I am stereotypically a girl:
1. I LOVE pink
2. I need a lot of attention
3. I cry a LOT during movies, tv,songs you name it it will make me cry
3 celeb crushes:
1. Brad Pitt
2. Brandon Flowers
3. Owen Wilson
A little Firday the 13th fun...
Ahh yes that is the way to start the day. Now I better get going before I miss my bus. Have I mentioned how much I HATE the bus? Well I will but not right now.
Your Superhero Profile |
Your Superhero Name is The Gold Weirdo Your Superpower is Invisibility Your Weakness is Atomic Explosions Your Weapon is Your Fire Rocket Your Mode of Transportation is Snowshoes |
Ahh yes that is the way to start the day. Now I better get going before I miss my bus. Have I mentioned how much I HATE the bus? Well I will but not right now.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Weird shit on the Internet....
Some stuff is just so fucked up! Like this!
I mean REALLY? Who has the time to come up with this stuff? Mind you I think it is totally funny and I laughed my ass off (ha! If only.)
If this is true I was totally born on the worng day.
I mean REALLY? Who has the time to come up with this stuff? Mind you I think it is totally funny and I laughed my ass off (ha! If only.)
Your Birthdate: January 4 |
You have an extraordinary character - moral, responsible, and disciplined. Your sincerely and honesty shine through in almost every situation. Driven and focused, you rarely let your emotions get the better of you. You're level headed and rational. People count on your to look at things objectively. Your strength: Your unwavering loyalty and ethics Your weakness: Your rock solid stubbornness Your power color: Navy blue Your power symbol: Shield Your power month: April |
If this is true I was totally born on the worng day.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
More things I love.
1. This is some of the best stuff on TV. Gil and I own the first 5 seasons on DVD and we could(and have) watched them over and over. I was so sad when I heard John Spencer died, he was a good man and a great actor.
2. More great TV! NUMB3RS is another show Gil and I love to watch together. Although I confess I have been watching it without him this week while he has been away. It is part of my program of unpacking the computer room. What is truly wonderful is that the 'hero' of this show is a total math geek. We love anything that honours the geek for the geek shall inherit the earth.
3. The last time Gil went away for a long time I ate terribly, but this time thanks to these guys I am eating like the Queen I am! I swear I could eat something from there every night, in fact maybe I will.
Hmm that is it for now, but I love LOTS of stuff so stay tuned.
2. More great TV! NUMB3RS is another show Gil and I love to watch together. Although I confess I have been watching it without him this week while he has been away. It is part of my program of unpacking the computer room. What is truly wonderful is that the 'hero' of this show is a total math geek. We love anything that honours the geek for the geek shall inherit the earth.
3. The last time Gil went away for a long time I ate terribly, but this time thanks to these guys I am eating like the Queen I am! I swear I could eat something from there every night, in fact maybe I will.
Hmm that is it for now, but I love LOTS of stuff so stay tuned.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Todays Top 5 Best Things Ever...
1. Yummy and good for you! It is cold and flu season, I am trying to avoid it at all costs.
2. This tea! As I said, cold and flu season, and why shouldn't what makes us strong and healthy taste good too?
3. Flannel bed sheets. Oh crawling into bed in so nice in the winter when you have lovely, warm CLEAN bed sheets waiting for you.
4. This AWSOME alarm clock my sister got me for christmas. I love going to bed at night and setting my alarm now. Thanks Sis.
5.This great book Gil got me for Christmas. As a student of Religious Studies I can tell you that this is one of the best books I have ever read on Catholicism. It is very informative, not to mention some parts are laugh out loud funny.
Now I am off to my comfy bed with my tea and my book. Talk to you all soon.
2. This tea! As I said, cold and flu season, and why shouldn't what makes us strong and healthy taste good too?
3. Flannel bed sheets. Oh crawling into bed in so nice in the winter when you have lovely, warm CLEAN bed sheets waiting for you.
4. This AWSOME alarm clock my sister got me for christmas. I love going to bed at night and setting my alarm now. Thanks Sis.
5.This great book Gil got me for Christmas. As a student of Religious Studies I can tell you that this is one of the best books I have ever read on Catholicism. It is very informative, not to mention some parts are laugh out loud funny.
Now I am off to my comfy bed with my tea and my book. Talk to you all soon.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Monday Blues... a compilation by Meghan
I am without a Gilly tonight and the house feels big and quiet. I am not stressed or sad about him being away like I was before Christmas. I just wish he were here to go to bed with. I feel like I got a lot done tonight. The spare room/computer room actually looks something like a room now. I think I can probably finish it tomorrow night. I can't believe how many books we own. It is positivly obscene. No wonder moving was such a pain in the ass! I swear I would be happy to never move again. If only I could tear down the plaster walls and put up ones that were easier to hang things up on. Oh well i will find a way to have my way with these walls. I should post some pictures soon but I am waiting for the house to not look so gross. Can you believe I am still in boxes?? I really bailed on the unpacking process I confess. But I am feeling pretty good now I am on a roll as long as I can keep with it.
Well this is short and sweet, I am exhausted and think that 10:30 is a perfectly respectable bed time (oh how the times have changed)
I swear I will post some christmas/birthday pictures this week.
Night night....
Well this is short and sweet, I am exhausted and think that 10:30 is a perfectly respectable bed time (oh how the times have changed)
I swear I will post some christmas/birthday pictures this week.
Night night....
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Why this weekend sucked .. a story by Meghan
First I was carrying a plant, then I got an ouch. This THIS happened. And that is why my weekend sucked.
The End.
The End.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Longest work day ever...
It is a good thing that I do like my job so much because this is one of those days where a person might quit a sucky job. Having been so spoiled by the Christmas (oops I mean Holiday ... wait no I don't I mean Christmas dammit!!) break this week became very long today. It has been weeks since I worked a full day on a Friday abd even being in my omfy jeans could not make this day go by faster. I know that there are good things happening this weekend so it makes waiting so much harder. Tonight we are playing Imperium at our place and I plan on drinking a whole lot of Grasshoppers. Tomorrow I have a few errands to run but Gil and I have declared it West Wing Day and we are going to curl up in our PJ's and watch the West Wing all afternoon. We are also talking about catching a film. And then Sunday is D&D with the T&J Gang and maybe belly dancing with my sister. Maybe.
Anyway my break is almost over, I am just trying to make the time crawl a little faster. Woot!
Anyway my break is almost over, I am just trying to make the time crawl a little faster. Woot!
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Life Ain't Easy for a Boy Named Sue...
Hanging out at Gil's office! Wooo fun times! I had a great day at work today, I love my job. I am so glad I took this one, it was SO the right choice for me.
Now for those who don't know yesterday was my 31st birthday. "How can that be?" you say. How can I possibly be 31 years old. Well I have been asking myself the same question. I certainly don't FEEL 31. I have been thinking about it all day and I think I know what is going on. 31 just isn't the same age it used to be. I feel great. I feel like life is starting to really come together for me and that I still have SO much to do. I feel like I am right where I should be.
Yesterday was a totally amazing day and I have LOTS of pictures to share but they are at home and I am not. (Oh and I can share pictures because Santa got me an AMAZING new camera for Christmas.)
Gil was supposed to be out of the Province on my Bday but my luck changed and he got to stay home so I got to wake up next to him! YAY! Then I had a great day at work where they got me a cake! A pink cake with NO chocolate, and it had candles. And there were noise makers and a pink/purple unicorn card! It is like in a month they know how silly and girly and fun I am. I felt more apart of team there then I felt in all the time I was at Zellers.
After work Gil took me to get some supplies and then I went home and cleaned up a bit, then Sara, Theresa, Rena, Aimee and my Sister plus Gil and Me ordered Chinese from Frans (THE best Chinese EVER) and we hung out in our living room, ate a TONE of food and just chilled. It was so awsome. It was the birthday ever. No stress at all. SO NICE. Also I got a bunch of good loot including some beautiful candles, 3 new house plants, Lush stuff, slippers that have grippy bottoms so I won't take anymore trips down the stairs on my ass, and a super sweet memory card for my new camera from Gil who SHOULD NOT have brought me such an awsome gift after laying out all that cash for my girls and I to have Chinese, but he is just a giver. I hope he knows how VERY greatful I am that he takes such good care of me and ALWAYS goes above and beyond for me. GOD he is an awsome man. I am the luckiest girl in the world.
Well it must be almost time to go home so i am going to sign off. I will post pictures later.
Now for those who don't know yesterday was my 31st birthday. "How can that be?" you say. How can I possibly be 31 years old. Well I have been asking myself the same question. I certainly don't FEEL 31. I have been thinking about it all day and I think I know what is going on. 31 just isn't the same age it used to be. I feel great. I feel like life is starting to really come together for me and that I still have SO much to do. I feel like I am right where I should be.
Yesterday was a totally amazing day and I have LOTS of pictures to share but they are at home and I am not. (Oh and I can share pictures because Santa got me an AMAZING new camera for Christmas.)
Gil was supposed to be out of the Province on my Bday but my luck changed and he got to stay home so I got to wake up next to him! YAY! Then I had a great day at work where they got me a cake! A pink cake with NO chocolate, and it had candles. And there were noise makers and a pink/purple unicorn card! It is like in a month they know how silly and girly and fun I am. I felt more apart of team there then I felt in all the time I was at Zellers.
After work Gil took me to get some supplies and then I went home and cleaned up a bit, then Sara, Theresa, Rena, Aimee and my Sister plus Gil and Me ordered Chinese from Frans (THE best Chinese EVER) and we hung out in our living room, ate a TONE of food and just chilled. It was so awsome. It was the birthday ever. No stress at all. SO NICE. Also I got a bunch of good loot including some beautiful candles, 3 new house plants, Lush stuff, slippers that have grippy bottoms so I won't take anymore trips down the stairs on my ass, and a super sweet memory card for my new camera from Gil who SHOULD NOT have brought me such an awsome gift after laying out all that cash for my girls and I to have Chinese, but he is just a giver. I hope he knows how VERY greatful I am that he takes such good care of me and ALWAYS goes above and beyond for me. GOD he is an awsome man. I am the luckiest girl in the world.
Well it must be almost time to go home so i am going to sign off. I will post pictures later.
Monday, January 02, 2006
How old is your Inner Child?
How Old is Your Inner Child?
My inner child is six years old!
Look what I can do! I can walk, I can run, I can read! I like to do stuff, and there's a whole big world out there to do it in. Just so long as I can take my blankie and my Mommy and my three best friends with me, of course.
Take this quiz!
Quizilla |
| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
2006-The Year of the Meg
Well the holidays were interesting. About 30 seconds after completing my last blog entry I headed down to make a pot of tea as planned howeverI slipped and too all 15 hardwood stairs on my ass.

The result was that I could not sit for most of Christmas vacation. This picture was taken one week later when most of the bruise had finally set. Let me just tell you that the 4 hour drive to NB on Christmas day was NOT that much fun. However the stay in NB was awsome. We stayed in our PJ's the whole time. Gil and I both read a book each in one afternoon. Gil's dad fed us like we were royalty. It was wonderful! Christmas Eve Day and Christmas Day apart from the massive pain in my bottom were okay but so busy it felt like we didn't really get a chance to enjoy it. We have decided that next year we are going to have a big open house on the 23rd. People can drop by our place and have some food and get their gifties but then on the 24th we are going to drive to NB and spend all of Christmas with Gil's parents. So far we have never woken up with them on Christmas day and I think it is time we do.
The days since Christmas have been ablur of visiting and good food. I did work two days andn by work I mean hang out at the office. Friday I went to the doctor and she told me that the bruise INSIDE was worse then the one I could see and that it went all the way up to my pelvis but the good news is it was going to feel better evenetually. :) Friday Gil and I also hit the boxing day sales and we made out like bandits. We actually bought a artifical tree for a song because I/we decided not to ever go through the Christmas tree song and dance hell ever again. Every year we have a problem with the tree and this year it actually drove me to drink, so we said "NEVER AGAIN!" We also bought new lamps and some organizational help. Not to mention some fun stuff.
Friday night Gil and I exchanged Christmas gifts (we decided to wait a while for that because Christmas was just too busy.) Then we went over and enjoyed a wonderful ham dinner with Tina, Aimee and John. The rest of the weekend has been a blur of visiting, food and gaming.
Speaking of which I should get going because I have both visiting and gaming to do today. it is so hard to believe that tomorow morning I have to get up and go to the office. Oh well it will be a short week, broken up by my birthday. Gil will be away again but I am sure the week will fly by.
Happy 2006 to everyone I love.

The result was that I could not sit for most of Christmas vacation. This picture was taken one week later when most of the bruise had finally set. Let me just tell you that the 4 hour drive to NB on Christmas day was NOT that much fun. However the stay in NB was awsome. We stayed in our PJ's the whole time. Gil and I both read a book each in one afternoon. Gil's dad fed us like we were royalty. It was wonderful! Christmas Eve Day and Christmas Day apart from the massive pain in my bottom were okay but so busy it felt like we didn't really get a chance to enjoy it. We have decided that next year we are going to have a big open house on the 23rd. People can drop by our place and have some food and get their gifties but then on the 24th we are going to drive to NB and spend all of Christmas with Gil's parents. So far we have never woken up with them on Christmas day and I think it is time we do.
The days since Christmas have been ablur of visiting and good food. I did work two days andn by work I mean hang out at the office. Friday I went to the doctor and she told me that the bruise INSIDE was worse then the one I could see and that it went all the way up to my pelvis but the good news is it was going to feel better evenetually. :) Friday Gil and I also hit the boxing day sales and we made out like bandits. We actually bought a artifical tree for a song because I/we decided not to ever go through the Christmas tree song and dance hell ever again. Every year we have a problem with the tree and this year it actually drove me to drink, so we said "NEVER AGAIN!" We also bought new lamps and some organizational help. Not to mention some fun stuff.
Friday night Gil and I exchanged Christmas gifts (we decided to wait a while for that because Christmas was just too busy.) Then we went over and enjoyed a wonderful ham dinner with Tina, Aimee and John. The rest of the weekend has been a blur of visiting, food and gaming.
Speaking of which I should get going because I have both visiting and gaming to do today. it is so hard to believe that tomorow morning I have to get up and go to the office. Oh well it will be a short week, broken up by my birthday. Gil will be away again but I am sure the week will fly by.
Happy 2006 to everyone I love.
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