Sunday, April 30, 2006
The Quiet House
Shannon, Damon and Olivia are visiting friends in Truro this weekend and the house is SO quiet. Actually it is too quiet. I miss them. It makes me remember they are going to be gone in 5 days and that makes me SO unhappy. Itis hard to share your living space with people for a long time but I LOVE having The Foxes here. I love the noise of Olivia and the banter from Damon and most of all I love having Shannon SO close. I am afraid that when she goes back to Australia I won't see her nay more. I don't know if I will ever get down there. I don't know if she will ever come back to visit. It is a LOT of money to fly half way around the world. Very few people can afford that. Anyway I am freaking out because that is what I do.
A really nice thing happened yesterday that I thought I should tell people about. After we dropped the Foxes off at the mountain we were driving towards home, we hadn't gotten very far when I started to see swiming back dots in front of my eyes and I felt very faint. Thankgoodness I was sitting down. Anyway I decided that what I needed was juice so we stopped at the first store we came to which happened to be this place. But unfortunetly they were closed. However the man who owns it (works there?) saw us try the door and head back to our car and came out to ask us if we needed something. I told him I was just looking for juice and it was no big deal and he invited us to come in and get our drinks anyway even though they had been closed for half an hour. NOW that is sweet! Needless to say we will be going back there any time we are in the area.
A really nice thing happened yesterday that I thought I should tell people about. After we dropped the Foxes off at the mountain we were driving towards home, we hadn't gotten very far when I started to see swiming back dots in front of my eyes and I felt very faint. Thankgoodness I was sitting down. Anyway I decided that what I needed was juice so we stopped at the first store we came to which happened to be this place. But unfortunetly they were closed. However the man who owns it (works there?) saw us try the door and head back to our car and came out to ask us if we needed something. I told him I was just looking for juice and it was no big deal and he invited us to come in and get our drinks anyway even though they had been closed for half an hour. NOW that is sweet! Needless to say we will be going back there any time we are in the area.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Long Couple of Days
Well the weekend is over, and as expected it was very hard. The is a helplessness that grief brings because You CAN NOT make a person feel better about losing a loved one, especailly a parent. You have to just let them be in pain and try and anticipate what they might want/need you to do. I have known Shannon 16 years and I think I have gotten pretty good at that part but it is not any easier watching her suffer. Her pain is so open and raw it is palpable and I want to make her better but I can't.
Today I am in a down mood myself despite a pretty good sleep last night (Yay Olivia slept through the night!!) but the weather and mood in the office are making me draggy. And for no good reason I am exhausted. Gil is leaving to go BACK to PEI tomorrow and I am not at all looking forward to that. As much as I love having the bed to myself once and a while I miss him wickedly while he is gone. And lately things have been so amazing for us. I feel everyday more connected to him. He has been a ROCK in our home taking care of everyones needs and me most of all. And watching him with Missy O makes me long even more for children, that man is going to be the BEST daddy.
Well I had better get back to work, I am actually falling asleep here at the computer and that is NOT cool. I have no idea why I am so tired today after getting a decent amount of sleep last night but my eyes and limbs feel so heavy it is crazy!
Today I am in a down mood myself despite a pretty good sleep last night (Yay Olivia slept through the night!!) but the weather and mood in the office are making me draggy. And for no good reason I am exhausted. Gil is leaving to go BACK to PEI tomorrow and I am not at all looking forward to that. As much as I love having the bed to myself once and a while I miss him wickedly while he is gone. And lately things have been so amazing for us. I feel everyday more connected to him. He has been a ROCK in our home taking care of everyones needs and me most of all. And watching him with Missy O makes me long even more for children, that man is going to be the BEST daddy.
Well I had better get back to work, I am actually falling asleep here at the computer and that is NOT cool. I have no idea why I am so tired today after getting a decent amount of sleep last night but my eyes and limbs feel so heavy it is crazy!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Well Shannon is home. I can't believe she is here despite the fact that she is living (temporarily) in my spare room with he husband and amazing child. She is remarkably held together, despite her grief and sheer exhuation she is really a rock. Rolly's obituary was in todays paper and I cried like a baby when I read it. I don't know how things will be Friday and Saturday but I am prepared. I love Shannon and want to do whatever I can to help her through this.
I hope we can gather the old gang together for an evening, it will be so nice to see everyone together again.
I can't talk more I have to get back to work.
please send out love and good thoughts to Shannon and her family.
I hope we can gather the old gang together for an evening, it will be so nice to see everyone together again.
I can't talk more I have to get back to work.
please send out love and good thoughts to Shannon and her family.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Sad News, Not So Sad News and Good News
The sad news...
This past Monday the world lost a very kind man. Rolly Ashe was an amazing human being and among other things he was the father of my best friend Shannon. He always smiled, even when he was chauffeuring a car load of teenage girls around in the wee hours. There was always room at his table for an extra mouth to feed over the holidays, and he always made sure the stuffing didn't have any killed oysters in it if I was coming to dinner. He taught me that wonton soup is much better then chicken noodle when you have a cold. That vanilla ice cream could be used in coffee when you are out of milk.He introduced "Fred!" "Mrs.Who?" and "Jump you silly bitch!" into my common vernacular. He raised three amazing children and helped to raise many many more. I never saw without a smile on his face even during the toughest times. He was a great great man and I will miss him very much.
The not so sad news...
For the first time in 31 years I have an ear infection. This sore throat and ear thing has been driving me crazy for a week so last night I went to the doctor and she said that I was infected, EWWW! So now I am taking some meds and every thing will be better soon, THANK GOD.
The good News...
Well if every dark cloud has a silver lining this is Platinum, because her father passed away Shannon is coming home!! It is only a visit but I can't wait to see her!! I am so excited. I will finally get to meet Missy O and give Shannon a million hugs. They are going to stay at our place for a few days. I am beyond happy to see her. I am just sad it had to be for such a sad reason.
This past Monday the world lost a very kind man. Rolly Ashe was an amazing human being and among other things he was the father of my best friend Shannon. He always smiled, even when he was chauffeuring a car load of teenage girls around in the wee hours. There was always room at his table for an extra mouth to feed over the holidays, and he always made sure the stuffing didn't have any killed oysters in it if I was coming to dinner. He taught me that wonton soup is much better then chicken noodle when you have a cold. That vanilla ice cream could be used in coffee when you are out of milk.He introduced "Fred!" "Mrs.Who?" and "Jump you silly bitch!" into my common vernacular. He raised three amazing children and helped to raise many many more. I never saw without a smile on his face even during the toughest times. He was a great great man and I will miss him very much.
The not so sad news...
For the first time in 31 years I have an ear infection. This sore throat and ear thing has been driving me crazy for a week so last night I went to the doctor and she said that I was infected, EWWW! So now I am taking some meds and every thing will be better soon, THANK GOD.
The good News...
Well if every dark cloud has a silver lining this is Platinum, because her father passed away Shannon is coming home!! It is only a visit but I can't wait to see her!! I am so excited. I will finally get to meet Missy O and give Shannon a million hugs. They are going to stay at our place for a few days. I am beyond happy to see her. I am just sad it had to be for such a sad reason.
Monday, April 10, 2006
It's not throat cancer!
As it turns out 3 of the 6 of us in my office are all sick with the same thing (me and the two bosses) so at least I know it is not throat cancer or some mystery illness that came from space. I will tell you it is not pleasent whatever it is. The weekend would have be MUCH better without that added ickness. Although we did have a lovely night on Saturday at T&J's and a great Cora's brunch with John and Aimee on Sunday morning. But I could use some more sleep.
Anyway back to work.
Anyway back to work.
Friday, April 07, 2006
But I felt FINE yesterday!!!
Somehow during the evening yesterday I got sick. I refuse to believe it can happen so quickly or so easily!! I felt fine yesterday, a little tired but nothing crazy. Then we went to visit a friend of Gil's. They smoke and they are also in the process of some serious renovations. A little while after we were there my throat started to tickel, I figured it was the dust and smoke. By the time we left I was in full on ache mode. Then I woke up this morning and I am SICK!! Dammit I hate being sick. I can't have a sore throat, I talk on the phone ALL day. I refuse to give into this vile bug! HEAR THAT?? I REFUSE!!!! Dammit even typing that made me tired. I have a feeling that this will be an in bed weekend. I am sure if I can just get some quality rest I will be fine.
Anyway this day is really dragging. I don't want to be here today. Don't get me wrong but I am tired. I just want to be in my bed. That makes the day long. I think we are suppoesed to game at Mike's tonight but I think I am going to have to beg out. I haven't had a good night sleep in so long. We were out every evening this week. I haven't really been in bed before midnight. I think that I am exhausted. End of story.
Everyone here is running around like a nut getting ready for the trade show, I don't have the energy to be a nut so they think I am really calm, it is funny.
Well back to the desk.
oh yeah my benifits came through yesterday, I feel so grown up now.
Anyway this day is really dragging. I don't want to be here today. Don't get me wrong but I am tired. I just want to be in my bed. That makes the day long. I think we are suppoesed to game at Mike's tonight but I think I am going to have to beg out. I haven't had a good night sleep in so long. We were out every evening this week. I haven't really been in bed before midnight. I think that I am exhausted. End of story.
Everyone here is running around like a nut getting ready for the trade show, I don't have the energy to be a nut so they think I am really calm, it is funny.
Well back to the desk.
oh yeah my benifits came through yesterday, I feel so grown up now.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Why can't we live like Hippos and Turtles?
Want to read a story that will warm your heart? Okay go here. Thank you to my wonderful Fiance for sending that to me on a cold glum day to cheer me up. If only the rest of the world could be so loving and good.
It is cold and crappy here today, we even had a bit of snow last night. I am SO ready for some good, warm weather. I saw a crew building the garden center at the Superstore up the road from us and my first thought was "WOOT garden!" my second thought was "It is WAY to cold to garden" and my third thought was " YAY I am not going back to the garden center this year!" Although I must confess that I am sad not to be working with Sara or Theresa. It is the end of an era. A cold, wet, aching era. Thank gos for my nice worm desk job. Which I should be getting back to before Wanda's head explodes. We are getting ready for a trade show next week and stressing is running high, for everyone but me. I am totally chilled and looking FORWARD to the trade show. I am sure I will learn to hate them in the future but this is my first one so YAY!
It is cold and crappy here today, we even had a bit of snow last night. I am SO ready for some good, warm weather. I saw a crew building the garden center at the Superstore up the road from us and my first thought was "WOOT garden!" my second thought was "It is WAY to cold to garden" and my third thought was " YAY I am not going back to the garden center this year!" Although I must confess that I am sad not to be working with Sara or Theresa. It is the end of an era. A cold, wet, aching era. Thank gos for my nice worm desk job. Which I should be getting back to before Wanda's head explodes. We are getting ready for a trade show next week and stressing is running high, for everyone but me. I am totally chilled and looking FORWARD to the trade show. I am sure I will learn to hate them in the future but this is my first one so YAY!
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Adventures in Aimee land and other fun stuff
Well my dear friend Aimee certainly knows how to keep me on my toes, yesterday she decided to get her self involved in some live action bumper cars and nearly scared me to death. Everyone will be pleased to hear that she is fine and short of some very tender areas (like everything between her head and her toes) she is just fine. Too bad her poor little car didn't fair so well. Lets all cross our fingers that the damage is fixable and she doesn't end up having to write off the car altogher. Luckily (??) the fault was totally the other drive and he happened to be a courier for a VERY LARGE multinational company and will be paying for everything.
All things told things turned out okay and leave it to Aimee to make the ER a fun place to hang out.
I have noticed a certain funny thing happens when you tell people you are gettting married. everyone is over joyed and full of well wishes, this lasts for about 3 minuts and then (for the most part) the opinions start. Why did you pick THAT date? Why are you getting married THERE? Why don't you...? You know what you SHOULD do....? Oh can't possibly...
I know that this is well meaning, and I am sure every bride since Eve has endured the same treatment HOWEVER.. that does not mean I have to like it. Gil and I are pretty pig headed people, we know what we like, we know what we want, ( we know what we can afford) and we want this to be a celebration about US. At the end of the day it is not going to really matter whay colour the brides maides wore, if I carried roses or dandylions, if we got married in a cow pasture on in the Popes private throne room we want to have a good party. We want to show the whole world how much we adore each other and have a celebration as wonderful and unique as we are. The wedding is one day, our marriage is forever.
and that's all I have to say about that.
All things told things turned out okay and leave it to Aimee to make the ER a fun place to hang out.
I have noticed a certain funny thing happens when you tell people you are gettting married. everyone is over joyed and full of well wishes, this lasts for about 3 minuts and then (for the most part) the opinions start. Why did you pick THAT date? Why are you getting married THERE? Why don't you...? You know what you SHOULD do....? Oh can't possibly...
I know that this is well meaning, and I am sure every bride since Eve has endured the same treatment HOWEVER.. that does not mean I have to like it. Gil and I are pretty pig headed people, we know what we like, we know what we want, ( we know what we can afford) and we want this to be a celebration about US. At the end of the day it is not going to really matter whay colour the brides maides wore, if I carried roses or dandylions, if we got married in a cow pasture on in the Popes private throne room we want to have a good party. We want to show the whole world how much we adore each other and have a celebration as wonderful and unique as we are. The wedding is one day, our marriage is forever.
and that's all I have to say about that.
Monday, April 03, 2006
The News!
Well boys and girls now that everyone who needed to be told face to face know, I can tell you you
That's right, my sweet baboo and I are finally going to take that long walk down the aisle, and what a fun event we are planning! For more details visit us here and stay tuned for lots of crazy updates!
That's right, my sweet baboo and I are finally going to take that long walk down the aisle, and what a fun event we are planning! For more details visit us here and stay tuned for lots of crazy updates!
Saturday, April 01, 2006
I know I have been absent for the past few weeks and trust me I have a VERY good reason but I can't tell you just yet. I hate having a secret but it is just a few more days and then I can spill all the beans. I have to go right now before I type more then I should.
Love ya!
Love ya!
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