Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Well I can't dispute the facts, so far WW is working for me. As of this morning I have lost 12.6 lbs.
I mean holy shit!! I have lost a bag of potatoes! I have no idea from where, I don't really feel any different but I could fall down on the ground and kiss someone's feet with gratitude. I know that it will get harder, I know that there comes a point when you don't lose so much a week, I know that there will come plateau's and I will feel like quitting but for right this moment I am on top of the world. Gil has been so supportive, when I came out from being weighed this morning I cried. They were happy tears but I still bawled like a baby. I was sure last week was going to have beena fluke or a mistake and I was going to be jsut as heavy as that first night, as the night with Shannon when I stepped on the scale in my living room, but I was wrong. I always expect the worse from myself but Gil always see the good. He is such a gift to me. He is heading back to PEI this week and I know with him gone I will be tempted to eat out of boredom but I am not going to let myself. I like the high that I am getting from success and I don't want that to end. YAY ME!

Monday, May 15, 2006


I lost 7lbs. my first week on weight watchers!! I am so stoked! I feel so great right now. YAY!

Friday, May 12, 2006

100 Things about Me- part 4

66. I am a procastinator! ;)

Thursday, May 11, 2006

My beautiful ring!

Monday, May 08, 2006

100 Things about Me - Part 3

51. I have brown eyes.
52. I have recieved more compliments on my eyes then anything else.
53. I have no idea what is so nice about my eyes.
54. My mother and brothers have green eyes.
55. I ALWAYS wanted green eyes.
56. As a child both my Cabage Patch Kids had green eyes.
57. I still own both those dolls.
58. I am a pack rat.
59. I make a terrible blond, I just don't have the colouring for it.
60. I started colouring my hair at 15.
61. I look the best with the colour I was born with.
62. I think that is REALLY telling.
63. I think I may have already talked about my hair.
64. My memory is not what it once was.
65. I can remember being in my crib as a toddler.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

100 things about me Part 2....

27. I actually like the taste of water.
28. I TRY to drink 2 lites of the H2O a day.
29. I fail more often then I suceed.
30. I had "special" water imported in from the UK.
31. I am in fact 31.
32. I will be 32 when I get married.
33. I can't wait for my ring to get here!
34. As of today we have 14 months until the big day.
35. I am scared that 14 months is not enough time to plan.
36. I am a drama queen.
37. I tend to start projects and not see them through.
38. That is my REAL fear about the wedding.
39. Today I went for an amazing walk.
40. Yesterday I joined Weight Watchers.
41. These are both things I am afraid I won't follow through on.
42. I had another brain freeze at 42.
43. I hate my neighbour hammering at 9 am on the weekends.
44. My mother was 44 when she died of breast cancer.
45. This is one of the leading reasons I NEED to lose weight.
46. I check my email WAY too often.
47. I watch too much tv.
48. TV is like food to me, it numbs.
49. I have too many grey hairs.
50. I am not a go grey gracefully kind of girl, I am just too lazy to colour it.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

100 Things about Me

1. I stole this idea from Jerilyn who is WAY more creative then me.
2. I am currently eating my lunch at work.
3. I actually really like my job even though it is rather boring.
4. There are peas and carrots in my rice.
5. The peas and carrots are making me cry because they remind me of Shannon. And I am sad because this is her last day here.
6. I am worried I will never see my best friend again.
7. I am prone to worry about things with no basis in reality.
8. I have already run out of things to say about myself.
9. I just snuck another look at Jerilyn's to see what she talked about.
10. I have the hiccups
11. I have recently been trying to drink 2 liters of water a day
12. Today I am having a hard time with that.
13. What I really want to drink right now is a glass of red wine.
14. My favorite wine at the moment is the Sheraz by Yellow Tail.
15. I do not really like white wine.
16.I am very over weight.
17. I plan on starting Weight Watchers next week.
18. Secretly I don't believe I have the will power to lose weight.
19. I want to lose the weight soI can be a beautiful bride.
20. I recently became engaged.
21. I proposed!
22. I want and am getting a ring even though I popped the question
23. My hiccups are gone.
24. I don't plan on wearing a white dress
25. Secretly I do care about what people think about me not wearing a white dress.
26. My lunch break is over.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Oh my god I am FAT! I am not chubby, I am not pleasently plump. I am a freaking heffer!
Last night Shannon and I were talking about ways we could get healthier and then it turned into how much do we weigh so I went up and took the bathroom scale out of its secret hiding place and HOLY SHIT I AM FAT. I have certainly blown passed my hightest weight. And so with that in mind I dived face first into a bucket of KFC chicken. And then I cried for the rest of the night. And now here I am. and I am saying I can't do this any more. I can't live like this. Seriously can't live, I am going to start (?) to have seriouse health problems soon if I don't shed some of this weight. I hate the way I look and I hate the way I feel and I don't want to hate myself.
Step # 1 is weight watchers. I don't care how much money it is, my body it worth it. I can't do this on my own, I know I can't so it is time to get real about getting help.
Step # 2 will be to find some form of exercise I don't hate. Ahhh I have to do it but it will not be easy. I AM LAZY!
Anyway I am starting to cry again and that is just not cool at work so i am going to go find a WW recipe for dinner tonight. I will talk about this more later. BEWARE