Thursday, August 21, 2008

More thoughts

How do I spell happiness? H.O.M.E. I know, I know, it’s all I talk about these days but I am just so unimaginably content. I love doing everything in our house, our home. I love doing the dishes. I love doing the laundry. The other night I was up at 3am cleaning up after my violently ill husband and it was so oddly satisfying. Not that I was happy he was sick of course, but I didn’t mind at all the clean up process. I don’t know if it will last or not but for now I have a deep desire to take really good care of this home of ours. It’s not like I am exactly being a clean freak or anything, although truth be told I have been tidier, it is deeper then that. It’s like for the first time I really care about my surrounding. I always thought I did care, but this is different. I don’t feel like I explaining myself very well but that’s okay you get the general idea.

I am not completely anxiety free mind you. Gil’s recent bout of stomach flu/ food poisoning re-sparked my “Gil’s going to die and leave me all alone” anxiety. This of course has been much more acute since Michelle lost Kevin, more often then not I can keep it in check but seeing him so sick really broke me. I wonder if I am strong enough to deal with a serious illness. I would like to think I am but I have a great fear that I would freeze like a deer in headlights. I love my husband more then anything or anyone in the world and I can’t imagine anything worse then something bad happening to him. My problem is that I spend too much time doing just that. I know it is an irrational fear (as most fears are) and he is the picture of health. I know he will likely live a long healthy life. But that is probably what Michelle thought too.

There are also days where I find another thought creeping into my mind. Gil and I will be making big plans or doing something spontaneous and I feel so happy and so complete and I think…”Maybe we shouldn’t have kids. Maybe we would be happier just the two of us.” A totally crazy thought I know as we have tried so hard to have a baby and started the process to adopt. I am not sure where the thought comes from. I have wanted to be a parent so long but now I find myself questioning my motives. I have wanted to be a mother forever. I love kids. But I find my patience for certain child related things growing shorter. I love the life I have with my husband and wonder from time to time if it isn’t enough with just the two of us, maybe even easier. Or maybe I am just trying to get my mind used to the idea that there may never be a child in our family. Filling out adoption paper is certainly no guarantee that we will one day have a child of our own. I want to make sure we are doing all this for the right reasons. I am sure that Gil is, but I need to make sure that I am. This is one of the reasons we are also considering respite care.

Respite. Synonyms include breather, break, relief, reprieve

I can’t count the number of times I have heard “So&So adopted and then boom they got pregnant right away!” I am tired of those stories. They are even worse for me than the “I just stopped trying and boom I was pregnant!” stories. We are not looking to use adoption as a fertility treatment. When I made that first call to Community Services on January 14th I was not thinking “hey if I do this then maybe I will finally get pregnant with my own baby.” I was thinking “It is more important to me that we are PARENTS then it is for me to give birth.” And I still feel the same way. When we started the adoption process we were still doing the fertility treatments, I considered this to be a kind of concurrent planning, it made sense at the time, but it didn’t last long. It didn’t take me long to pick the path that was best for me and best for our family and that path is adoption. This may not be the way I always envisioned having my family but it is not second best and I never EVER want our child to feel that way. In fact when I think about my own family and Gil’s I wonder if adoption isn’t divine providence for us. We more than most people know that families aren’t blood they are love.

Respite we are told may be a good way to get our foot in the door. It may be a good way of getting us to our end goal faster. I would be an idiot and a liar if I said that didn’t have merit, but I don’t want anyone to think that we are doing this solely as a short cut to get our own kid. We both were intrigued with the idea of respite as soon as we heard about it. We hadn’t known that such a thing was an option. I don’t think I could be a full time foster parent. I think I would get attached and then I would get hurt when the child had to leave us. I know myself too well. Maybe after we have adopted our kids and we have more emotional strength. I don’t know but in the mean time a weekend every month sounds like exactly what Gil and I should be doing. Getting our feet wet. We both love spending time with children but we could both use some practice with our parenting skills. I am hoping that this will give Gil and opportunity to be a little more hands on than he has been with the other children we have in our life and perhaps make him a little more comfortable in that regard. I on the other hand need to get used to sharing children. I have a problem with the way the system is set up and I need to get over that in order to help my future child. Also I need to learn to be more …firm; Sometimes it is okay to say no, sometimes it is okay to be the bad guy. Heck sometimes it is even for the best interest of the child to be NOT be their best friend. I have a hard time with that, I know I do. I had a hard time with Brianna for the same reasons. Sometimes I wasn’t able to say no when I should have because I wanted to be liked.

(I have been dealing with that same issue my whole life, and in a nut shell it describes the first 10 years of my dating life.)

I want my kids to like me, but not at the expense of them growing up to be little decent people so if from time to time they have to dislike me, I need to okay with that. It is part of the job.

I guess by what I have just said I do want kids. Of course I still want kids and I think that Gil does too. But it is dawning on us now how much our lives will change with a child in the picture. We, especially me, would like to think that everything will go back to normal after a period of adjustment but that is just not true. Once you have a child nothing is ever the same again. For example we are planning a trip to see Shannon and Damon and the girls for Christmas of 2010. That will not be an easy trip to take with a child. I will still DO it. But it would be easier if it were just Gil and I. When we are wandering around the house mostly naked, or hanging out in the living room with the lights off watching the lightening, when the house is so quiet on Saturday morning while I putter around and Gilly is still sleeping. When we are dreaming about the two of us driving across the country together, these are the moments when I have doubts. I guess that is normal.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

House ... the story

Okay, I own a home. We own a home. It is ours. We painted walls, colours we picked!! We have a To Do list as long as all our arms combined but somehow it is not at all overwhelming. People weren’t kidding when they said I would never be in want of a project again. Every room has something that needs doing, but it’s not scary. I know somehow it will all get done, I know that the money will come from somewhere. I am starting to see that we have time and everything doesn’t have to be done right away. We can pick at stuff, get it done at our own pace. We don’t have to ask anyone but each other if we want to do something, anything. If we make a mistake we will learn from it. Already we are learning our butts off. There are lots of things to learn and lots to do and lots of fun to be had along the way. We could have bought a house that already had paint that we liked; we even saw one that looked like it came out of the pages of a Martha Stewart magazine it was lovely but it was really missing that special something, the it factor that struck something inside of us. I knew this was meant to be our house when we both were struck by “it”. The Martha Stewart was beautiful but it wasn’t ours. Our house needs a cosmetic make-over but it is going to be all us. Every room is going to reflect our personalities. If we had gone with the Martha house we wouldn’t have painted not for a long time anyway, it would have been pretty but it would not have been us. Our house is getting painted ASAP because the current décor demands it. But that means it will be “ours” sooner. I have had the chance to speak with the former home owner and he is a really lovely man. His taste in plants is impeccable however his taste in paint and wallpaper makes me question his sanity. The first room to get a make-over was the living room/sitting room. This is going to be my little haven. There will be no TV in this room. There will be no eating in this room. There will be conversations and reading. Gil took me to Leon’s and we picked out BRAND NEW furniture for this room and it was delivered this week. This is my first new sofa, chair and love seat ever. In the 14 years I have lived on my own I have ALWAYS had hand me down furniture. And I am okay with that; that is how it goes. I don’t mind second hand furniture; in fact sometimes I prefer it. I love my second hand dinning room set from Frank & Lee. I love that the furniture for our kids room comes from Sara & Jan, that it has years of love and experience. But there is something about that new living room furniture that says to me “you’ve come a long way baby!” There were lots of moments in the past 20 odd years that I thought I would never be here, lots of moments where I was only running on faith, and more then a few moments when I was only running on the fumes of faith.

Where I am right now is basically where I have always wanted to be. The picture isn’t exactly as I had in my head but I am happier then I ever imagined.

I don’t always act like I am happy. I know I can be quite a sad sack sometimes. I often am able to find something to gripe about. That is me. It is part of my charm. I really am very happy with my life. There is so much good in my world. . I slag my husband when he annoys me but the truth of the matter is I have found the most amazing man in the world and he cares so much about me it is heart wrenching. I found love in a world where there is just not enough of that commodity. I complain about my job but at least I have one. I get a regular pay cheque and am able to contribute to my family and household. I bitch about the price of gas these days but I have a car the shuttles my fat ass around and I don’t have to sleep in it because I also have a great roof over my head, and now I own that roof. I have never owned a roof before. I know there will be moments of stress. I know there will be moments I feel overwhelmed. I just have to learn to breathe through those moments.

We are all moved and there is no rush now.

I think one of the things I liked the most about this move was that I did not have to do any of the actual physical moving. They did all the work that makes me cringe. This is the first time we have done this. It made me VERY happy.

Now I am dying to make this house “our home”. I want to actually get in the garden and plant all then lovely things I have been craving; Dahlias. Rudibeckia. Carpathian bells. Sunflowers. Lavender. Delphiniums. Hollyhocks. I am ripping out all but the one Bride’s Wreath Spirea. I can’t help it, I don’t know why it irritates me so much but Spirea gets on my last nerve. So that will leave me a pretty good sized space for some more colourful perennials. Depending on how far around the back of the house we wrap the deck I might also have a nice spot for veggies. As for annuals, well I have my window boxes which will remain naked this year. I am also going to do boxes and pots around the deck and on the front porch, but I don’t think I am going to do any beds. Also I am turning the bank from the yard to the flower beds into one big “wild” perennial bed. I say wild because there will be no good, convenient way to get in and weed so it is going to be a lot of ground cover and self maintaining plants. Oh I am all tingly just thinking about it.

I keep waiting for the “post event blues” to set it but so far so good. Maybe it is because there is still so much to look forward to. Last night I mowed the lawn for the first time. It was actually HELLA hard work. I have new respect for all the people who keep such immaculate lawns. Mine doesn’t look that great but it will with practice. I think that was only the second time in my life I have ever mowed a lawn. I never had to as a kid because of my hay fever.

Anyway I guess I have gone a little off topic. I am happy. Life is good. This is what I have always dreamed of.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

We own a house!!!!
I have been so busy I haven't had a chance to give any good updates here. But there will be more soon I swear.
