Friday, September 30, 2005
Cold and Flu Fun
Oh yes, I have THE cold. Everyone I know is sick, good times. I was over at Sara and Ian's watching Surrvior and I think poor Ian could have filled a truck with the gunk coming out of his head. Now is the time for hot lemony goodness and sleep. The one good thing about this not having a job crap is I can sleep this cold off with very little guilt. YAY sleep!
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Helping a friend
You know what is nice? Lending a hand to someone who is REALLY grateful for the help, someone who asks outright for what they need without any emotional games. I like doing things for my friends but I also like to be appreciated and like most people I really don't like being taken for granted or manipulated. I am doing a favor for my friend Michelle, watching her kids while she works nights, for a while. And I can tell that she is genuinely grateful for the help. I have this one friend who always seems to need SO much and it is exhausting, it makes me really reluctant to put myself out there. She makes me doubt the intentions of other people and I hate that. Anyway sometimes you have to cut people out. I have a whack of great friends and I like my life. I can only hope that I can be a good friend to others and that there is such a thing as karma.
Now I am going to sleep, my throat hurts and I think I am getting Sweet Baboo's cold and 7am is VERY early.
Now I am going to sleep, my throat hurts and I think I am getting Sweet Baboo's cold and 7am is VERY early.
Friend Quiz part two.
13. FAVOURITE ICE CREAM? Vanilla! Yup plain old fashioned Vanilla. A freind once told me that she thought I must be very boring in bed because I like vanilla ice cream. I am here to tell you that is simply not true.
14. BUTTERED, PLAIN, OR SALTED POPCORN? a little bit of salt and butter.
15. FAVOURITE COLOUR? Pink! I love pink. But I like a lot of colour. I am a colour girl.
16. WHAT COLOUR IS YOUR BATHROOM? The Can says Fluffy Cloud Blue. It is so pretty.
17. HOW MANY KEYS ON YOUR KEY RING? 3, two house keys and a car key
18. WHERE WOULD YOU RETIRE TO? I want to follow in the shoes of Sweet Baboo's parents and retire to Petite Cap. Or to that lovely place where it is September/October all year.
20. FAVOURITE DAY OF THE WEEK? Sunday. See previous post for details
22. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY? Dinner at Fran's (chinese) with a whole gang of friends and family.
23. DO YOU CARRY A DONOR CARD? yes, absoulutly!
14. BUTTERED, PLAIN, OR SALTED POPCORN? a little bit of salt and butter.
15. FAVOURITE COLOUR? Pink! I love pink. But I like a lot of colour. I am a colour girl.
16. WHAT COLOUR IS YOUR BATHROOM? The Can says Fluffy Cloud Blue. It is so pretty.
17. HOW MANY KEYS ON YOUR KEY RING? 3, two house keys and a car key
18. WHERE WOULD YOU RETIRE TO? I want to follow in the shoes of Sweet Baboo's parents and retire to Petite Cap. Or to that lovely place where it is September/October all year.
20. FAVOURITE DAY OF THE WEEK? Sunday. See previous post for details
22. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY? Dinner at Fran's (chinese) with a whole gang of friends and family.
23. DO YOU CARRY A DONOR CARD? yes, absoulutly!
Monday, September 26, 2005
Friend Quiz part one.
1. What time do you wake up in the morning? My body naturally wake up around 10 am.
2. If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be? I always have a hard time with this question. A famous person living or dead? DO I want to meet someone who I idolize from a distance only to find that they are an ass in real life? I would like to have afternoon tea with Jann Arden.
3. Gold or Silver? White or Pink gold
4. What was the last film you saw in the cinema? I am dusgusted to tell you all that despite the wealth of free films available to me at the film festival I only saw one. I was TOO tired and stressed to see a movie after spending the day serving the greater evil. Anyway the one movie I did drag myself to was a documentary called Silent Messangers. It was about life up north and inukshuks. It was pretty interesting but I wish I had been less tired when I saw it.
5. Favorite TV show? I confess I am a TV addict. I am lazy enough I could sit in front of the dumb box all day but I will go out of my way to see The West Wing, The Biggest Loser, and Dog the Bounty Hunter (now that shit is FUNNY!)
6. What do you have for breakfast? I am not a great breakfast eater so most days I skill that all important meal. Gosh I am naughty. But I do like cereal and toast. today I had left over Thai Chicken pizza, tea and OJ.
7. What would you hate to be left in a room with? Oh so many things. My step mother, clowns, nothing to think about but my own insucurities, rabbid dogs.
8. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Techincally no, however if I can use my finger to push my tongue up then I can just reach it.
9. What inspires you? Strength inpires me. My friend Shannon who is doing it all with strength AND grace. My brothers who are both strong, wonderful men.
10. What is your middle name? Elizabeth
11. Beach, City or Country? I don't think I could live out of the city for too long but I would LOVE to have a country home on a beach. Oh wait we kind of do already! If only we could get there more often!
12. Summer or Winter? Fall! Yes I would love it if September/October lasted ALL year! That would be my dream world.
2. If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be? I always have a hard time with this question. A famous person living or dead? DO I want to meet someone who I idolize from a distance only to find that they are an ass in real life? I would like to have afternoon tea with Jann Arden.
3. Gold or Silver? White or Pink gold
4. What was the last film you saw in the cinema? I am dusgusted to tell you all that despite the wealth of free films available to me at the film festival I only saw one. I was TOO tired and stressed to see a movie after spending the day serving the greater evil. Anyway the one movie I did drag myself to was a documentary called Silent Messangers. It was about life up north and inukshuks. It was pretty interesting but I wish I had been less tired when I saw it.
5. Favorite TV show? I confess I am a TV addict. I am lazy enough I could sit in front of the dumb box all day but I will go out of my way to see The West Wing, The Biggest Loser, and Dog the Bounty Hunter (now that shit is FUNNY!)
6. What do you have for breakfast? I am not a great breakfast eater so most days I skill that all important meal. Gosh I am naughty. But I do like cereal and toast. today I had left over Thai Chicken pizza, tea and OJ.
7. What would you hate to be left in a room with? Oh so many things. My step mother, clowns, nothing to think about but my own insucurities, rabbid dogs.
8. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Techincally no, however if I can use my finger to push my tongue up then I can just reach it.
9. What inspires you? Strength inpires me. My friend Shannon who is doing it all with strength AND grace. My brothers who are both strong, wonderful men.
10. What is your middle name? Elizabeth
11. Beach, City or Country? I don't think I could live out of the city for too long but I would LOVE to have a country home on a beach. Oh wait we kind of do already! If only we could get there more often!
12. Summer or Winter? Fall! Yes I would love it if September/October lasted ALL year! That would be my dream world.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Ahhh Sunday.
Sunday is my favorite day of the week. I love waking up and having NO place to go, I love that first cup of tea, I love the quiet and the peace. Yeah! Plus Sunday night has some of the best TV to chill in frnt of, which is what we are doing right now. We had a lovely afternoon, the house is all nice and clean, I had a nap while Sweet Baboo hung out on the sofa (still getting over his cold). We got together with Chris, Ang, Rob and Craig to have dinner at Boston Pizza, Tres Yummy! The Tai Chicken Pizza is to die for as was the Pad Thai. My pizza (spinah and feta) was not so great but I plan on stealing Sweet Baboo's left overs. :)
Ang is looking more and more beautiful every day with her lovely pregnant belly, I can't believe that in less then a month there will be a new little person for all of us to love and that Chris and Ang will be parents. Which reminds me... her shower is in a week and I need to pick up a few more things.
Anyway ... back to TV chillage.
Ang is looking more and more beautiful every day with her lovely pregnant belly, I can't believe that in less then a month there will be a new little person for all of us to love and that Chris and Ang will be parents. Which reminds me... her shower is in a week and I need to pick up a few more things.
Anyway ... back to TV chillage.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
THe CHurch of the Flying spaghetti Monster
This is so funny I almost peed myself when I first read this but now I am converted! I am a true Pastafairan. This is one of the many reasons I really love the internet. Internet will you marry me? Anyway back to FSM... I read some funny emails on this site and also some very disturbing ones. There are always people out there who take things too seriously and this is no difference. Bobby Henderson may have been trying to make a point to the Kansas school board, or he may have been sitting in front of his computer bored one day and come up with the creative, funny outlet, I don't think it matters in the end WHY he wrote what he did as much as that he did and that is his bushiness. Why on earth would ANYONE wish him ill for this? Why would people make threats against him, wish his genitals shrivel up, or damn him to hell? It worries me more then I can tell you that anyone would really be so threatened my this lovely, funny and creative internet phenomenon that they would actually wish a person harm. There is a problem in this world and it is one that I, as a Christian, find more unsettling all the time.
"You are an idiot. I'll pray for you."
"Those of us who know the truth are only saddened that you are doings Satans work"
These are actual comments from ACTUAL emails sent to Bobby Henderson by so called Christians.
Somewhere along the way Christianity got lost and that is so sad. Having a belief system that works for YOU does not entitle you to shove it down the throat of other people, nor does it entitle you to sit in judgment of others. The fundamental message of Christ's teachings was BE GOOD TO EACH OTHER. Not be good to those who you feel worthy. Why is it that so many people remember "I am the way and the truth and the life..." but they can't remember "Love thy neighbour as thyself..."
I am not trying to pass myself off as the worlds best Christian, I am a seriously flawed human being (aren't we all?) and I am a TERRIBLE Catholic ( I have only been to mass once this year and that we in an effort to suck up to sweet Babbo's Mother), however there are certain tenants I hold and will not sacrifice.
I believe that everyone is entitled to live the life, the faith, they choose without being rideculed, harrased, threatened or bullied. I believe that no one Religion is right for everyone. I believe that every person is entitled to choose his or her own way in life without being told that they are damed to burn in hell. I believe in being nice to people, even people who don't always seem to deserve it (years of customer service taught me this, not church). I believe it is much worse to condem a man to burn in hell then to create a website (that no one FORCED you to visit) that explores, even in satire, an alternate belief system. Okay so you read the Open Letter Bobby Henderson wrote and you didn't agree with what he said, or you thought it was goofy, or stupid, or maybe you REALLY believe deep down inside that his everlasting soul is in jepordy, is that justification to be mean? There is something wrong with that. There is something wrong in believeing that a religion that teaches love would support this kind of hate. And I am just talking about one silly website. I haven't even touched serious social issues like smae sex marriage or birth control. And today I am not going to. Today I am going to go back to reading about FSM and laughing at the funny, creative writing. Have a good day.... Be nice to each other.
"You are an idiot. I'll pray for you."
"Those of us who know the truth are only saddened that you are doings Satans work"
These are actual comments from ACTUAL emails sent to Bobby Henderson by so called Christians.
Somewhere along the way Christianity got lost and that is so sad. Having a belief system that works for YOU does not entitle you to shove it down the throat of other people, nor does it entitle you to sit in judgment of others. The fundamental message of Christ's teachings was BE GOOD TO EACH OTHER. Not be good to those who you feel worthy. Why is it that so many people remember "I am the way and the truth and the life..." but they can't remember "Love thy neighbour as thyself..."
I am not trying to pass myself off as the worlds best Christian, I am a seriously flawed human being (aren't we all?) and I am a TERRIBLE Catholic ( I have only been to mass once this year and that we in an effort to suck up to sweet Babbo's Mother), however there are certain tenants I hold and will not sacrifice.
I believe that everyone is entitled to live the life, the faith, they choose without being rideculed, harrased, threatened or bullied. I believe that no one Religion is right for everyone. I believe that every person is entitled to choose his or her own way in life without being told that they are damed to burn in hell. I believe in being nice to people, even people who don't always seem to deserve it (years of customer service taught me this, not church). I believe it is much worse to condem a man to burn in hell then to create a website (that no one FORCED you to visit) that explores, even in satire, an alternate belief system. Okay so you read the Open Letter Bobby Henderson wrote and you didn't agree with what he said, or you thought it was goofy, or stupid, or maybe you REALLY believe deep down inside that his everlasting soul is in jepordy, is that justification to be mean? There is something wrong with that. There is something wrong in believeing that a religion that teaches love would support this kind of hate. And I am just talking about one silly website. I haven't even touched serious social issues like smae sex marriage or birth control. And today I am not going to. Today I am going to go back to reading about FSM and laughing at the funny, creative writing. Have a good day.... Be nice to each other.
Friday, September 23, 2005
Last day of work. I don't know if I want to laugh or cry. I need sleep and a lot of it. I want to be home takin gcare of my sweet babboo who is home from work with a cold/flu. I ALSO want to continue to see these people on a daily basis. I REALLY like the people . But the punters suck for the most part. At any rate I will have more evil customer stories to tell you when I have a moment to breathe , I am sure anyone who works in cunstomer service will understand.
I found the most amazing pair of Converse "Chucks" that I want so badly... they are hot Pink and super awsome cool but I can't justify spending that kind of money on new shoes until I find a new job and until I get rid of a few pairs of shoes. as it stands I have too many shoes, if there is such a thing.
Home Now!!
I found the most amazing pair of Converse "Chucks" that I want so badly... they are hot Pink and super awsome cool but I can't justify spending that kind of money on new shoes until I find a new job and until I get rid of a few pairs of shoes. as it stands I have too many shoes, if there is such a thing.
Home Now!!
Things that suck.
You know what sucks? Coming home from work late but being too keyed up to get to sleep even though you have to get up in the morning stinking early! Ahhhh! This job is crazy! But it will be over on Saturday. Think positive Meggy!
Another thing that sucks is that my poor sweetie is sick with a cold. I am a terrible nurse but I am trying to take good care of him. When I have a cold he spoils me, going so far as making me HOMEMADE chicken soup. But I am less nurturing then he is. I am not patient enough to be nurturing, it is a good thing my mother talked me out of being a nurse (when I was 7) because I think I would have a terrible bedside manner "Stop whinning and go to sleep! That is how you get better!" I hate to think of what I will do when we have a baby and they get sick. Well maybe that is one of those things you learn as you go. No sense being scared about that now, cross that bridge when we get there. Anyway at this rate I am just ramabling because I am getting tired. bed. yay.
Another thing that sucks is that my poor sweetie is sick with a cold. I am a terrible nurse but I am trying to take good care of him. When I have a cold he spoils me, going so far as making me HOMEMADE chicken soup. But I am less nurturing then he is. I am not patient enough to be nurturing, it is a good thing my mother talked me out of being a nurse (when I was 7) because I think I would have a terrible bedside manner "Stop whinning and go to sleep! That is how you get better!" I hate to think of what I will do when we have a baby and they get sick. Well maybe that is one of those things you learn as you go. No sense being scared about that now, cross that bridge when we get there. Anyway at this rate I am just ramabling because I am getting tired. bed. yay.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Hi from Film Land
well here I am sneaking some internet time at work, oh naughty naughty queen. I am so pleased to have a few moments to atually sit and write. Things have been a mess since all the weirdness about the house, which by the way we are NOT buying. Now it looks like work is about to pick up again so I can't take long. let me just sa that customer service sucks no matter where you are doing it. I LOVE working with Theresa (again) and James but I am BURNT out. Thank goodness there are only 2 more days. I am going to sleep for a week.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
A day unlike any other.
Today did not turn out the way I thought it was going to. Two days ago I thought that I was going to spend the day driving to NB in heavy traffic (thanks to the Rolling Stones) to visit Sweet Baboo's parents and spend a few days relaxing by the shore. Yesterday we decided that the price of gas was too high (almost $1.50/liter) to drive up and back so we were going to camp out at home, stay in our pj's and read all day or flake out in front of the dumb box.
That is how today started, Baboo didn't come to bed until 6am so there was just me, the cat, the hamster and my book as far as I am concerned a PERFECT Saturday. But then around 3pm a knock on the door changed life as we know it. It was my land lady, they are moving, they bought a new house. They want to sell us this one!! And we want to buy it. We love this house, we have been joking for two years about finding a way to buy it and now we really might. I am so freaked out. We know NOTHING about buying a house, or owning a house. We have no idea if anyone is crazy enough to give us a morgage, but hell we have to try.
I have SO many thoughts going through my mind at the moment that I can't hold on to any of them. I have to calm down because we can't get any answers for a few days (Blasted long weekend! :D) But I just have a good feeling about this. Sweet Baboo does too, I can tell 'cause he has this crazy stunned look on his face all the time and when we were pulling in the drive way tonight he looked at he house in a totally different way, like a man on a mission.
Now I have to go to bed and dream about something nice and calming.
Life is so cool.
That is how today started, Baboo didn't come to bed until 6am so there was just me, the cat, the hamster and my book as far as I am concerned a PERFECT Saturday. But then around 3pm a knock on the door changed life as we know it. It was my land lady, they are moving, they bought a new house. They want to sell us this one!! And we want to buy it. We love this house, we have been joking for two years about finding a way to buy it and now we really might. I am so freaked out. We know NOTHING about buying a house, or owning a house. We have no idea if anyone is crazy enough to give us a morgage, but hell we have to try.
I have SO many thoughts going through my mind at the moment that I can't hold on to any of them. I have to calm down because we can't get any answers for a few days (Blasted long weekend! :D) But I just have a good feeling about this. Sweet Baboo does too, I can tell 'cause he has this crazy stunned look on his face all the time and when we were pulling in the drive way tonight he looked at he house in a totally different way, like a man on a mission.
Now I have to go to bed and dream about something nice and calming.
Life is so cool.
Saturday, September 03, 2005

Well hello and welcome to my life. Why, you may ask, should you read about me and my crap? Well I don't have an answer for you. I don't have anything too special to say and my life isn't all that interesting but it is mine and I am sure that some things I say might make you laugh or cry or if you have insomnia it might help you get to sleep.
Now it is time for me to go and have a pre-bed time snuggle with my sweet kitten who is trying to dance on the keyoard.
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