1. What time do you wake up in the morning? My body naturally wake up around 10 am.
2. If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be? I always have a hard time with this question. A famous person living or dead? DO I want to meet someone who I idolize from a distance only to find that they are an ass in real life? I would like to have afternoon tea with Jann Arden.
3. Gold or Silver? White or Pink gold
4. What was the last film you saw in the cinema? I am dusgusted to tell you all that despite the wealth of free films available to me at the film festival I only saw one. I was TOO tired and stressed to see a movie after spending the day serving the greater evil. Anyway the one movie I did drag myself to was a documentary called Silent Messangers. It was about life up north and inukshuks. It was pretty interesting but I wish I had been less tired when I saw it.
5. Favorite TV show? I confess I am a TV addict. I am lazy enough I could sit in front of the dumb box all day but I will go out of my way to see The West Wing, The Biggest Loser, and Dog the Bounty Hunter (now that shit is FUNNY!)
6. What do you have for breakfast? I am not a great breakfast eater so most days I skill that all important meal. Gosh I am naughty. But I do like cereal and toast. today I had left over Thai Chicken pizza, tea and OJ.
7. What would you hate to be left in a room with? Oh so many things. My step mother, clowns, nothing to think about but my own insucurities, rabbid dogs.
8. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Techincally no, however if I can use my finger to push my tongue up then I can just reach it.
9. What inspires you? Strength inpires me. My friend Shannon who is doing it all with strength AND grace. My brothers who are both strong, wonderful men.
10. What is your middle name? Elizabeth
11. Beach, City or Country? I don't think I could live out of the city for too long but I would LOVE to have a country home on a beach. Oh wait we kind of do already! If only we could get there more often!
12. Summer or Winter? Fall! Yes I would love it if September/October lasted ALL year! That would be my dream world.
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