Saturday, September 09, 2006

Holy Sweet Jesus!

Man we are getting married in 28 days! If you want to know why I haven't been posting much now you know. Even the smallest of weddings seem to take so much time and energy to plan. and ours isn't all that small. not huge, but not small. 45 people, which is really just our good friends and family. Not even all our family, none of our siblings are able to make it because of the date change, which has been the source of MANY tears in the past week. I have become so emotional, even more then usual if you can picture that!
I feel like I have been living to shop recently. Man weddings are expensive. I can't even imagin if we were going for a BIG wedding. We went today to this cool wholesale place to buy flats of pop, it was wicked. It is the kind of place where shop owners go to get supplies. Also the prices were amazing. We have a tonne of booze and pop sitting in our basement now, it is very cool. We bought our wedding rings this week, that rocked and brought a LOT of tears to my eyes. I can't wait to have that ring on my finger.
Gil is down stairs right now making us some dinner on the BBQ. I am relaxing. I love relaxing. I had a massage today at the Interlude. It was so amazing. I feel so spoild. I am getting ready for a walk with Sara and then we are going up the hill tonight to drink "Laura Sunrise's" and relax some more.
Tomorrow is my shower which I am SOOOO excited for. I will fill you in with all the details later but now I have to go help Gil find masking tape.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Meghan! getting married was the coolest thing i ever did. you think you love someone, you think you know what a relationship is all about and then you get married. it takes life and love to a whole new level that you could never get to before. its awesome. i'm happy for you both. you both look happy and well in your pics. cheers!

Meghan Richard said...

Thank you greg!

Next time you are heading up to NS let us know it would be nice to see you guys.