Saturday, December 30, 2006

Happy Holidays

Well I took a little break to get my wind back after the wedding and get through the holidays but now I feel rested and ready to get back into the Blogging grove. I note that in my absence Google has taken over Blogger, I am cool with that, personally I love Google and pretty much feel they can do no wrong.
I come to you this morning from the comfort of my living room, via Gil's new laptop which is my favorite new toy. It has also ended a lot of the computer wars in our house. we can both use computers at the same time with no need to share, Ahhh how decedent our life is. I am trying to clean up our living room today because it has been pretty much ransacked by Christmas. Brother Mike is coming over today to check out Gil's new toy (Guitar Hero II) and I want the house to be clean when he gets here. Gil says he always knows when my brother is coming over because the house smells like bleach. My brother is somewhat of a neat freak while my other brother, Stephen, and I are slobs. My house always looks like some kind of bomb went off. Gil is no neater then me, together our mess just compounds. What I really need is better storage, or less stuff, or a bigger house. but I am sure that a bigger house would just mean a bigger mess.

So married life is great. Actually it is very much like pre-married life but more safe feeling. I like it. I did have an awkward period of adjustment. I had a bit a of post wedding blues. at the time I didn't know that there was such a thing. I felt really guilty about feeling down after the wedding. It didn't make any sense to me. I didn't feel like I could talk about it. Then I mentioned it to a girlfriend of mine who was married a few years ago. She said that she had felt the same way. So I did an little poll among my married girl friends and almost all of them said the same thing, after the wedding was over there was a blah period, an anti-climatic feeling.
Knowing that so many other people had felt that way took the guilt away and then I really started to feel better.
Now I am looking forward to 2007. I am going back to weight Watchers so I can lose some more weight. I am going to finish the banister. Gil and I are going to have all kinds of adventures. I am REALLY looking forward to the coming year.

Now I have to finish cleaning before Big Brother gets here.

I will be back in less then 3 months I swear.

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