Saturday, March 29, 2008


Somehow I managed to get enough sleep last night that I woke up feeling refreshed (although a little panicked as I was late for an MSN date with Shannon) I made some tea, read some adoption blogs, chatted with some mates online. I woke Gilly and we went out to run some errands, which included buying me a baseball bat for protection when he is out of town on business (okay it is a little lame but it does make me feel better) and eating chili dogs. We got to have coffee at Starbuck's but Gilly came down with a headache and decided he felt too poopy to go to the Maple Syrup festival. Rather then getting all sulky I was FINE. We came home and sent him to bed for a nap (where he still is). I spent the afternoon reading and drinking coffee and feeling... you guessed it... relaxed! It happened all on it's own. How cool is that? We are spending the night geeking and I am very excited about that. I am having a great day. YAY!

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