<---- This is me Christmas morning 1991! I was that excited because Santa brought me office stationery. God I love paper clips. This year I remember that I had a very hard time falling asleep because I was so excited for Christmas morning (I was pretty sure what I was getting as it was all I asked for, I am such a nerd!) Anyway it was pretty unusual for me to be so keyed up for the holiday and I just could not sleep so the staff member on shift that night (who will remain unnamed because that was the deal) gave me a Gravol to help me sleep. SO naughty and SO against the rules. As it happened I still only slept for 4 hours. Poor souls. But look at me, too cute!

I think that this --------->
might have been Christmas 1990, I am not 100% but I am sure that outfit RAWKED! I mean the skirt was denim, frilled and had that coverall thing going on! Well at least my hair is tamed back in a pony tail. But wait, look in the lower right hand corner! Someone

<----- Well it is not the greatest picture ever but this is me and my sweetie Steve at the Christmas party 1992. See that sour look on my face? What a rotten kid. Maybe I had a sixth sense that just a few hours after this was taken I would be in a near fatal car accident. I was still wearing the same outfit and would never get to wear it again. I wasn't very happy that Christmas, I was in a LOT of pain for a long time. But looking back I know that there was an angle with me that night. Smile kiddo, other then a lingering sore back you are going to be ok!
Well I do have more and I will share them as Christmas gets closer but right now I have to go get some Christmas cards ready for the mail.
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