Saturday, August 08, 2009

Saturday morning musing.

Looking at the weather forecast for Las Vegas this coming week, all high 30's low 40's which makes it even more absurd that this morning it was so cold here that the heat in the house automatically came on. It hasn't come on since March that I am aware of. I heard the familiar melody of the pipes tinkling and I thought that I was dreaming... Then they got louder. Environment Canada says it is currents 13 degrees Celsius outside. This is madness, I should be planing where to cool down with a swim not looking for my slippers... come to think of it I think I might go grab a sweater too...

okay, I am all kitted up. Slippers, hoodie, tea. It certainly would be a lovely fall day if it weren't August. Actually I might as well confess it now, I love this weather. The sky is blue, the air is crisp. If I could have this weather 10 months of the year I would be thrilled.
Plans continue to chug along for Vegas. I think it is actually easier when you doing something in a short time like this. Of course I would have liked to have more time to save some money but lets face it, I am not good with anticipation. When I have too long to think about things I stress out. Two weeks seems to be the perfect amount of time. It was extra good this past week because it gave me something to fixate on while Gil was out of town...again. Although the bad thing is that I have been spending money. This is turning into an expensive summer for the both of us. I have to hit Gil up for some cash again today. I swear one of these days I am going to get better with money. Likely when I am dead. Unless I win really big in Vegas, which is not totally 100% out of the realm of possibility. I mean, weirder thing HAVE happened. If that DOES happen then I am going to buy myself a pair of Jimmy Choo's and be very smart with the rest of my money. LOL, Jimmy Choo's. What would I do with a thousand dollar pair of shoes? I would be too scared to wear them out of the house. *sigh* A girl can dream.
Well, my in-laws are coming today, my father-in-law is going to lay me a new kitchen floor so I better start getting this house clean. As it turns out I really am a slob, when Gil is away the whole house goes to pot!
Have a great Saturday.

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