Saturday, October 10, 2009


So we aren't going to have any heat or hot water until Tuesday or Wednesday. That totally sucks but we have decided to look at it as an adventure, like camping only with more comfort. So I choose to see how fortunate we are. We have power, we have phones, we have running (cold) water. We have a comfortable bed, a space heater, computers, lots of food, lots of friends and family on the way for a beautiful Thanksgiving meal. We are blessed people and that is where i choose to focus my energy. Thanksgiving or not it is important to recognize how blessed we are in our lives. It is so easy to get caught up in what goes wrong and what is bad. Even a day when a dozen things go write it is the one thing that goes wrong that gets stuck in our craw. I am certainly guilty of this kind of thinking. I have a problem with rolling with changes in the plan. I tend to get cranky and irritable and even if the new thing is going to be fun I resist and resist and dig my heals in. I let it ruin my experience. I often let it ruin other people's as well. I really want to change that, I don't like that about myself and I am pretty sure that Gil doesn't like it either. I want to be a more positive human. This is a goal I am setting right now. Yeah! That is it!

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