Oh I am very tired tonight but I made a commitment so here I am. It was a rough evening both dogs were in prime form and I am a single parent at the moment because Gil is in Boston on business. LuLu was into everything and peed on the floor and Oliver had a massive break down when we tried to go on a walk with two VERY vocal doggy pals. In the end I had to take him back home and walk without him.That makes me sad. Thank goodness I had Sara here to help me out a bit (a lot) because I don't think I could have done it without her. I am not looking forward to tomorrow morning, I have to get up an hour early to get everyone fed and walked because I have to take the dreaded PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION. Damn bus. Did you know it now costs $2.25 to take the bus?!! Why back in my day....
Anyway today I made a meal plan for the week working basically with what I already have in the house, that is good. When I am back at WW meal planning is going to be what keeps me sane. I have started to tell people that I plan on going back, I feel like that way I am more apt to do it because I won't want to tell everyone that I quit. I care WAY too much about what other people think but in this case that might not be a bad thing.
I want my life to have some order, some balance. I don't want to be one of those people who never has fun, who can't eat a meal with out stressing out but I also don't want to be a mindless eating machine. I feel like a foreigner in my own body.It is such a terrible feeling. This fat, it isn't me. I am still skinny when I dream at night.
I need to get my house back in order too. Small steps but chewy Miss LuLu is helping me get my ass in gear there. I have to make sure everything is out of her chew range and that there is nothing tempting left on the counter so I HAVE to clean up after myself. That is a good thing. I have started making small, manageable lists that leave time for a social life and dog walking. I know my house is never going to be perfect but I can try right?
Speaking of my annoying pets, the cats are coping in their own unique ways. Tikka is hissing and spitting at everything that crosses her path, myself included and Mango just tried to climb the curtains in the bedroom. FUN! I guess I can't really blame them, they were both just adjusting to one dog and now they have two to terrorize. Poor Oliver is terrified of them and LuLu just wants someone to play with.
I hope the weather continues to be this lovely so I can add some yard chores to my to do list. I have been trying to get my nephew to do yard work to pay back some of the money he owes us but he is really not very good at the yard stuff. I have been trying to get the leaves raked for weeks now and he keeps telling me that it is done while I am looking around at piles of leaves. Oh well the kid is 13, what the hell does he know. I am not going to bother too much with the front yard as it will be dug up later next week. YAY for damaged sewer lines. I only hope I can save my Day lilly bed. it is really this only thing on that side of the yard I really care about. They can have the Zebra grass, that stuff is a pain in the ass.
I will take some picture to share with you when they are digging it up.
Anyway I am kind of just blathering now because I am so tired. Bed time!
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