------ This is what pure satisfaction looks like.
Whereupon I shambled down stairs to start my day. The dogs seemed very surprise at my appearance, I suppose they presumed they had the place to themselves for what ever canine mischief they had planned for the day.
The first order of business was food. Sleeping in works up a mighty hunger. What I am about to show you might be shocking to you. I suggest you ask any small children to leave the room because it might cause nightmares for years to come.
There is a reason why I don't blog about cooking in our house...I am no kind of cook....
Burnt toaster
Second time around.
Yup this is why we eat out for breakfast just about every weekend. My other options we dry, cold cereal, moldy toast or oatmeal. Boiling oatmeal in 26 ° heat didn't seem like a sane option. The waffles, for what it is worth, are whole wheat and are only 2 points for two. The margarine on the other hand... excessive. Anyway now you know my dirty little secret, I can't even toast waffles with out burning them and breakfast basically doesn't exist in our house. Don't judge me! :)
Of course no morning is truly a morning without a cup of tea. This morning I got to sit at the table, my table, start a new book, drink a cup of tea that was STILL hot out of my favorite mug. It was perfect. That is the only way to start a day. If I had my druthers this is how every day would start (minus the frozen waffles). In the summer I would like to sit out on the deck with a book, the paper, my laptop, whatever... and a cup of tea and just sit there. I actually like doing this really early when it is still a bit cool and damp. Summers gone by when I would go down to the cottage for part of the summer I would get up before everyone else, make a cup of tea and sit out on the dock while the sun came up. It was so calming and beautiful. A wonderful thing at a time when I really needed some calming influence in my life.
But I digress...
The next step in my day was getting clean. Having no plans is no excuse for being skeezy.
-------------------Look at that fresh face!
This is me before! Can you believe I am putting this picture on the internet? Aren't I brave or crazy?
Look at that hair!!
This is me after my beauty regiment. WOH! What an amazing difference. Okay, I know what you are thinking, all I did is put my hair in a pony tail, but you are wrong!! I also but on lip balm! So there!
Up next.... entertainment. This is easy to find in my house crank up the iTunes and play with the dogs.
Lulu and ColMcNutt who is her new best friend. They go every where together.
My boy!
Shortly after I was done playing with the beasts my internet connection died which I took as some kind of sign that I should leave the house and seek adventure in the wider world.
So I set out with all the essentials, a rain coat, after all it is July in Nova Scotia, at some point in the day I am likely going to require rain gear, a book,my wallet, a liter of water and my camera.
I love walking in my neighbourhood because there are so many beautiful gardens and no one, so far, seems to mind if I stop and take pictures of the flowers. I must have stopped in front of a dozen homes today and I was seen by many people and for the most part people just looked amused. Here a smattering of pictures from my walk downtown today....
See Mr. Bee doing his thing? I watched him for some time. It was really cool!
Totally cool hedge made of raspberry bushes. Talk about creative!
I was tempted to nibble but did not.
Eventually I ended up in downtown Dartmouth and realized I was really hungry so I called my hubby to see if he want to meet me for lunch, which of course he did and went to one our favorite pubs to find us a table.
This is why it is always good to travel with a book. But I didn't get very far before handsome showed up.
Okay so he won't smile pretty for my camera anymore but you can see how cute he is anyway.
After lunch (which I shall review at another time) he went back to work and I continued to adventure. I made my way to the library and wandered for a while. There are always interesting characters but I felt it would be rude to snap pictures of them. I sometimes forget how much I love the public library. I mean it is like one HUGE book store and they will let you take just about any book for free! How cool is that?! Nice idea folks.
After the library I started the long wander home. Lots more gardens and an aborted attempt to hit the Dartmouth Heritage Museum. (I lacked the $2 for admission and they don't take debit if you are wondering.
Here are a few more pictures of my wander home...
Post walk, I am red, sweaty and gross.
At this point I decided that it was time for a cold shower and nap. It was the perfect way to spend the rest of my alone time! I had an awesome day. When Gil got home Friday went back to normal, dinner and then off to J&A's to geek out for the evening. All told it was a perfect day and I am glad I spent it wandering on my own, I was great company! And now I bid you good night. I need to get my beauty rest so I can start the madness all over again tomorrow.
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