Friday, September 17, 2010

A weekday morning!

The last few mornings I have been trying an experiment. I have deliberately NOT set my alarm clock. Rather then tossing and turning and cracking my eyes open every 10 mins. I have decided just to wake up the first time I look at the clock. Okay not the FIRST time because today that was sometime in the 4am hour but the first time it is reasonable. What I have discovered is that my body gets up all on its own at about 6:20am with no ill side effects. I get up, take the dogs out for their business. These days it is still dark at 6:20 so I have to grope around in the dark a bit to find my robe or sweat pants but that's not so bad. I have a cup of tea, I hang out on Facebook, check out Flickr, read the paper online and watch the sun slowly creep into the sky. Some mornings if I am feeling ambitious I throw in a load of laundry or scoop the litter box but mostly I just give my self an opportunity to wake up at a more leisurely pace. As a result I have noticed I am less hostile in the morning when I rouse my sleeping husband at 7:30ish. I forget less and feel less frazzled as I am running out the door in the morning. I feel less guilty about being away all day because I have spent roughly an hour extra hanging out with the dogs. All and all I call my little experiment a success... and just in case I keep on sleeping? I have a back up alarm set on my cell phone to tell me when it is 7:30 :)

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