Friday, December 03, 2010

Friday night....

Watching TV is so weird. Every couple of minutes they interrupt the action to show me a very mini show that makes me hungry and want to buy a car or take a trip somewhere. I guess I have been watching too many downloaded shows.I am enjoying some chill time in front of a TV while I babysit for a friend of mine who lives up the road from me. Both little girls are sound asleep so we are chilling out, my man and I. Sadly rather then making out on the sofa as we may have done if we were 15 we are each sitting with our laptops each doing our own thing. LAME, Funny but lame.
I am trying to find something interesting to say but I find my brain being suck out by the pretty picture box. It is also not helping that it is after 11pm so I am totally falling asleep. I am such an old lady.
It is weird the news is showing snow storms all over the place, Europe is practically in a state of emergency and New York is insane but here it is just day after day of rain. Today was down right balmy. I want snow dammit. Just enough to make it pretty. Enough to make it feel like Christmas is only three weeks away!

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