This is it kids, grab a change of underwear and get it the car, we are hitting the road! I sincerely love a good road trip. Usually I am the passenger so this trip will be really different for me. As the co-pilot I spend a lot of time day dreaming, watching the tree and houses and people in other cars. It is so relaxing.
Gil and I have LONG passed the point in our relationship where silence is uncomfortable; it is now a comfortable old pair of slippers that we wear together.
When we first started dating the silence scared me. I always wondered what he was thinking about, worried that he was ignoring me. I have learned a lot in the past 9 years. For example when Gil is driving he is very contentious and if he feels like the driving conditions require more attention he will stop talking, he won’t necessarily tell you first either, it took me a long time to pick that one up; there were a lot of insecure drives back in the beginning. I have also learned that when he says he isn’t thinking about anything he means it. He isn’t hatching a plan to leave me or tell me bad news, he isn’t thinking that my jeans make my ass look fat, he is just gone tabula rasa. I don’t think his mind goes blank all that often, usually when I ask him what he is thinking about he says “game”, which means he is plotting about D&D or Vampire and he is in his happy place so I leave him there.
Anyway back to driving…
This will be my first proper road trip as the driver. The farthest I have driven to date is Mom and Dad’s house in Shubenacadie which was fun because I got to play with the cruise control but hardly constitutes a road trip. Of course I am a little nervous because highway driving is fast and has that little kick of danger. Also I am not the best at passing yet and I know it is an inevitability on the 100 series highways.
Okay post game wrap-up
I was a total rock star!!! I drove the speed limit the whole way and some d-bag who cut me off promptly got caught in a speed trap. LOL Also I totally passed by two cars!!! WOO!!
It was so lovely out, green and sunny. From Kentville to Annapolis Royal I had the highway pretty much to myself. Gil and I had an awesome chat in the car. So far, totally awesome trip!!
Now I am going to walk away from the computer, night ya’ll! :)
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