Well having spent the whole day priming the lower walls of my dinning room and front entry for a coat of fresh white paint, organizing the junk drawer and doing GREEN BIN duty I decided that rather then going out and spending money I don't have I was going to stay in. Oh yeah I am a real rebel in my advancing age. So my evening includes plans for a bath, reading up on an adoptive mother blog that I really enjoy and having a cup of tea. For most people making a cup of tea is a fairly brainless activity but for me it is a very complex ritual with lots of thoughts and planning. I thought I would share some of that with you... oh yeah we are going there....

First thing we have to do is choose what KIND of tea we are having. In my house you have a lot to pick from. This year for my birthday I received ELEVEN kinds of tea. No repeats, no duplicates. I think that my friends are really trying to tell me something. This does not include the six or eight kinds of tea I already had. I believe that there is a tea for every occasion. This year I got a lot of loose teas. You will see why in a moment.

For this evening I choose this little cutie. A birthday gift from Ang that came as part of a trio. It is caffeine free which is good because I have had way more then my share today. It is made with rooibos, mint and chamomile and smells amazing. Actually it smells a wee bit like licorice too.

Look at this stuff!! No wussy tea here! Isn't it divine?

This little baby here is the reason for all the loose tea. This year was mine and Gil's second wedding anniversary and the traditional gift is cotton. Gil found this cool guy and a bunch of other lovely cotton goodies
online made by real honest to goodness hippies!! I love hippies. This reusable cotton tea infuser is so delightful and I feel really good about myself and the world when I use it.

Ready to Brew!!

Filled with hot water in one of my favorite mugs. There slots in the tea bag which you can put a spoon threw, or a pen, or a chop stick... the point it you don't have to pull the bag out of the hot water with your fingers.
I love it!

No cup of tea is complete for me with out this guy. Oh Billy Bee!
You are the bee's knees!!
I am going to enjoy my tea now! I hope you all have a lovely Saturday night. Cheers.
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