Today I don't want to talk about adoption. I am spent there at the moment. I mean I will probably still be thinking about it but I want don't want to talk about it. I have a headache today. I feel like my cranium is playing host to a marching band convention. I think it is because the weather and pressure systems keep changing. My little noggin is very sensitive to these things. Yeah I know, my noggin is just sensitive. It is true, try as I may to toughed my hide I am just a sensitive individual. The funny thing about that is that it wasn't always the case. I went through a period where I was considered "hard". Here are 25 more things you may not know about me...
1) When I was in high school I wanted to be a cop.
2) I did not attend my grade 9 "graduation" because I had community service hours to do.
3) I hate wearing socks.
4) I can not stand Jelly Beans.
5) The exception to the jelly beans is Jelly Belly's they rock.
6) One of my best high school memories involves jelly belly's but I am not telling you what it is.
7) When I was little my older brother told me that Gene Simmons was my real father and I believed him.
8) I believe that if pain had a smell it would cinnamon hearts.
9) The first time I saw the mountains up close I literally lost my breath.
10) In my dreams I am still thin.
11) I don't have an ex's who I hate or even really dislike.
12) I always used to make my Barbies kiss each other while Ken went off to work.
13) When I was 8 I wanted to be a Gospel Singer.
14) I also wanted to BE the Virgin Mary.
15) I desperately wish I could be crafty.
16) I totally heart Martha.
17) I am addicted to magazines.
18) I am REALLY addicted to TV. The reason we don't have one hooked up is because I would watch it ALL THE TIME. I would rather have a life.
19) When my husband is away on business I keep a baseball bat in the bed with me. For protection.
20) Like Kelso I seemed to get poked in the eye more then my fair share.
21) I have no idea how to read music.
22) I tried to go blond once. It was BAD
23) Sometimes I actually read my spam.
24) I have kissed a stranger on the dance floor at the Dome. Shannon saved me from myself.
25)I do believe I have seen ghosts.
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