Tea is my drug of choice and these days I have been hittng the kettle strong. Tea is supposed to one of those claming things that helps you through the stressful moments. That is why the minute something bad happens some one usually says "I'll put the tea on." It is funny but my love of tea did not begin in my mothers kitchen although I do always remember there being a pot of tea on the stove at my Auntie Barb's house in Cape Breton. And while I did drink tea in London that is not where true love was fostered, in my heart or tea cup. I don't know where the love tea actually fully bloomed, I have a feeling that it happened around the table in Shubenacadie with Mom and Elizabeth.
Why am I talking about tea? I have no idea, I am having a mental day. I am ranting about tea to avoid doing what I really have to do which is clean and pack. GOD! why do we have so much stuff? I just need to DO IT but I don't wanna.
Oh the shower curtain...

Isn't it beautiful??? I can't wait to decorate, that is so much better then packing. But I guess I better get back to it.
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