We went this afternoon to pick up pur keys and have look around the place with the land lord and I took a few pictures.

The amazing staircase
The next three pictures are of the closet in the master bedroom which is so huge you could probably play touch football in it.

However back on the job front I have made a decision. I am going with the very respectable, boring job. Monday to Friday 9-5 is just too good to turn down. I just had to go with the one that seemed more responsible. I am not a little girl any more and I can't do things just because they seem fun. This is something that I have struggled with for a long time, doing what is smart and responsible versus what is fun for me. I have in the past almost always gone with what would please me in the short term even if my gut told me it was wrong, that I would pay for that later. I have been working on changing that lately. Paying bills as soon as they come in even though it means being broke, rather then spending money on foolish things that make me happy for a moment. I hate living with that fear that my wrong actions will eventually catch up with me because they always do. I am almost 31 years old and it is time to start to live more authentically.
well enough of that introspection. Time to get ready to shopping with big brother.
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