Sunday, November 20, 2005

Sunday Afternoon.

Well here we are, ten days until the end of the month. Our apartment looks like a storage facility, you can not move with out bumping into something cardboard. Frustration around the house is on the high end of the threshold. Yesterday basically turned into a boohoo fest which I have to say was fun for no one. But today is a little better; Sweet Baboo slept until 3pm 'cause he was up until almost 7am (I swear I am thinking of hiding that video game.) but I got a few more boxes packed and some dishes done. I feel a lot less stressed then I have for the past few days. I got more sleep then usual last night as I turned in pretty early, Sweet Baboo dealt with the 4am putting out of the cat and I got the whole bed for pretty much the whole night. As far as packing goes I am at the sticky part where I have to decide "will we use this in the next ten days?" if not it goes in a box, but sometimes it is hard to tell. On another moving note of insanity Sweet Baboo still has no idea when he is heading to PEI on business. It is starting to make me totally insane. I am angry just typing about it. It is NOT his fault and I am not upset at him at all. It is the project leader who makes Jessica Simpson look like a freaking rocket scientist. He has no clue what is going on and therefore the whole team is stuck in this GD limbo. Normally it is just a bit of a pain in the ass getting a call from Sweet Baboo saying that he is leaving to go away to (insert province of choice here) in 3 hours however this time I am trying to work around moving our whole lives and I would like to know if my main support system, Sweet Baboo, is going to be around to keep me sane. Also if I am only given a few hours to pack for him to leave for 1-2 weeks my head might implode. Also I don't want to sleep in the new house by myself the first night. The house will have noises I am not used to, I will be totally freaked out. Now here I am totally freaking out! Damn it! Someone needs to kick Project Manager in the ass and I think I should be the one that gets to do it.
Okay I have ranted enough, now let me say something positive...
1. My older brother Mike has been so cool about this moving thing. He has really been so helpful. He is going to drive the truck and help with all the icky lifting and carrying. Right now I feel like he is pretty much running this show and for that I am SO greatful.
2. This same big brother is buying me (us) new bathroom accessories for our Christmas present (we are getting it early). So yesterday Sweet Baboo took me out shopping to look at bathroom stuff. I am going with pink because I LOVE pink and there is pink tile in the new shower and I batted my eyes until Sweet Baboo said he did not care. I saw lots of stuff I did not like, too little girl or too old lady but I did find one that I REALLY loved. I will post the picture I took of it later. I have to look in a few more spots just to make sure it is 100% the one I want, but I am already so in love with it I am sure it will be mine.
Well I think that is enough for now. I am going to go explore around Sweet Baboo's office, which is where I am now getting a change of scenery.

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