Monday, October 27, 2008

Things you don't think about at 22...

I know you will find this hard to believe, but I was not always the calm, cool, responsible adult you know today. *snicker*
Yes I am a woman with a past. This is not a shock to anyone who knows me well. I don't take out billboards advertising my past exploits but I am certainly not hiding anything. Yes there are things that I am ashamed of. I challenge you to find me one person who has never done anything in their life they are ashamed of. However I believe I am basically a good, decent person. I wish I had been nicer to Paul. I wish I had been nicer to the girl who is now his wife. I wish I hadn't taken my family for granted. I wish I had spent more energy on my relationship with my Auntie. I wish I had not exhausted and wore through the friends who were really there for me. I wish I had not taken advantage of Shannon's kindness and her nurturing spirit. I wish I had made better choices for myself. But I can't change what has past.
Trust me I do have a point I am just coming at it the long way around....
Honest to god I don't remember much about what I was doing at 22 and most of the paper trail from that year went up in the flames of a bonfire earlier this year. I know the year was 1997. I know I finished up my first year of university and I did pretty well. I know that I broke up with a steady, nice, good guy because there as some wrong deep down inside me, a deep dark lack of self worth that was beginning to consume me despite my successes. I know that I met and began a relationship with small g greg, a handsome, smart, funny, deeply self destructive man who already had a girlfriend. (not the first or last time in my life I would be the other woman but that is the tale for another day) I know that small g greg was into exploring his universe with the assistance of Lysergic acid diethylamide and because I really liked him and I wanted him to like me so I attempted to open the doors of preception as well. I know that this was not enough to make small g greg like me sufficiently to leave his girlfriend when she got home from her summer job away. I know that is WAS enough to make that growing self doubt & hate explode into an all consuming rage/depression. I know that the doors of perception left open too often and for too long left room for all the deamons I had been keeping at bay for the preceding 21 years coming marching on through. I know that this led to even more problamatic decision making on my part, stupid decisions, dangerous decisions. I know the decisions I made led to my sexual assault. Not that is was my fault but that the decisions I made led me there. I know that the cumulative result was me chilling out in a mental hospital for the last few months of 1997. What a year when you look at it like that.
If I could just go back and have a word with myself, sit down over a coffee and look her/me right in the eye... If I could just go back and have an hour alone with myself I would have some very sage advice.
(1) I told well me to stick with school no matter how hard things got. School is the silver bullet. School might well be the best thing you can ever do for yourself.
(2) I would tell me to work hard for what I want. That is nice to be taken care of but it feels so much better to take care of yourself.
(3) I would tell myself that it isn't the relationship with Keith that is wrong but how I see myself IN that relationship. Go ahead and break up with him if you don't feel the spark but it is not going to change what is going on inside of you.
(3) I would tell myself that she can do better then small g greg. Actually that is not correct, because it makes it sound like the problem was with him. He was (and still is) a lovely guy. As I said he was very smart, very funny, tender and kind. And he was so beautiful to look at. But as soon as I knew he was involved, seriously involved, with another girl I should have ran as fast as I could have in the other direction. Because I deserve to be more then the other woman, I deserve to be more then a dirty little secret. I deserve more. I wish with all my heart I could make that abundantly clear to my younger self.
(4) This should be obvious but I wish I could explain in the clearest terms possible that our choices have impacts and implications on our lives and on our futures. That is not to say that every decision you ever make will come back to bite you in the ass. But some will and some will bite harder than others and in ways you never anticipated. For example ( I told you I would get to my point eventually) I would love to tell frightened, angry, self destructive me that some day it really is going to get better. Some day with a lot of hard work her life is going to be mostly normal. Someday she is going to have a steady job to take pride in, a house of her very own to take of and grow in and best of all a husband who is a best friend and a partner and someone who REALLY loves her and in turn she really loves and wants to take care of. Some day she is going to have all this and want to protect it by investing in some life insurance. But then she going to answer all their health questions and the result will be that because she had cared more about if a boy liked her then her own future and she (of her own free will - not blaming anyone but me here) took some drugs in 1997, here in 2008 she was refused life insurance and the ability to take care of her family should anything happen to her.

okay. end rant for now. I just wanted to say I was bummed about the life insurance and I wish I had a time machine.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Okay so I am pretty much ready to post my first topical issue thingy.. (yeah I am having a hard time with words tonight) anyway I have one small problem, I am suddenly struck with a case of stage fright. I suddenly care what people might think about what I say. I guess that I have pretty much suspected that no one read this at all but periodically I hear people say... "blah blah blah your blog...blah blah..." and then the other day my husband told me that he reads it from time to time. So now I am worried that I might step on some toes. I am going to try to put it up in the next day or so. If I take shit for it then we will deal with it. If not I will try again. Yeah so that is that.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

And now for something a little different...

Trying to figure out how I feel about life, the universe and everything.....Okay it is time for me to tackle some of the larger issues in life to see what I feel, where I am on the issues that really seem to matter...I think I will take one issue at a time (after I make a list) Abortion...Religion....Being Green....Eating meat...Open Marriage...Gender and politics..... You get the idea... I am going to read, watch, listen try and learn and then try and listen to my heart about how I feel. Then I am going to share with the rest of the world.Doesn't that sound like fun?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

110 Reasons Why My Husband is The Best

  1. His eyes sparkle and crinkle when he laughs.
  2. He can take apart a toilet and but it back together on his own.
  3. He always smells so good.
  4. He is a very safe driver.
  5. He is seriously one of the smartest people I have ever met.
  6. He can make jokes about Pi.
  7. He makes awesome homemade chicken noodle soup.
  8. He helps me name inanimate objects with people names.
  9. He makes trips to the grocery store romantic.
  10. He sends me links to turtles/giraffes/kitties when I am blue.
  11. His “pretty dress” joke.
  12. He is not to high brow for a good fart joke.
  13. He likes washing my hair in the shower.
  14. He calls me at work when he wants to share something really interesting or funny.
  15. He works at his job because he really likes it.
  16. He always makes my birthday super special.
  17. He is okay with having breakfast for dinner.
  18. He has a really nice bum.
  19. He puts the toothpaste on my toothbrush every morning.
  20. He loves BOGO.
  21. He says good morning to Don on CBC radio faithfully.
  22. He both is and is not a mamma’s boy.
  23. He always helps his friends out even with crappy jobs.
  24. He makes really good coffee.
  25. He sits on the side of the tub and pours water on my back.
  26. He lets me pick his body wash.
  27. He can play Barbie’s with little girls.
  28. He cleans up after himself when he is sick.
  29. He totally supported me through Clomid.
  30. He thinks Homer Day is funny.
  31. His gifts to me are always so thoughtful.
  32. He only says no when there is a good reason.
  33. He taught me about slop.
  34. He doesn’t say “I love you” casually.
  35. He is not uptight about money
  36. He does not care about farts.
  37. He tells good bedtime stories.
  38. He eats whatever I cook even if it sucks.
  39. He makes mooing noises when we drive by cows.
  40. His total devotion to all things Rush.
  41. His explanation of the Time Cube.
  42. He makes killer scrambled eggs.
  43. He is never (hardly ever) cranky in the morning.
  44. He gives the cutest voice to our cats.
  45. He never fails to kiss me good night, even when he’s mad.
  46. He never complains when my beard is thicker then his.
  47. He always brings me glass bottle when he goes to PEI.
  48. He is good with babies.
  49. He is always nice to my mom.
  50. He talks to my crazy drunk brother on the phone.
  51. He comes in with me at the Dr.’s office.
  52. He is good at carving a turkey.
  53. He can really keep a secret.
  54. He is very compassionate.
  55. He doesn’t care if I go to bed angry.
  56. He never makes me feel inferior because of my infertility.
  57. He loves his sisters.
  58. He understands that sometimes cramps are the end of the world.
  59. He rarely gets drunk and stupid.
  60. He has a really sexy back and shoulders.
  61. He always listens to me gripe about work.
  62. He loves to read.
  63. He listens to me talk about my dreams, figuratively and literally.
  64. He can be the bad guy when he needs to be.
  65. He has a wonderful variety of friends.
  66. He will go into Lush to “just smell” with me.
  67. He volunteers for Operation Red Nose.
  68. He is affectionate in public.
  69. He is never afraid to try new foods.
  70. He knows what the “Carrot Store” is.
  71. He is a great back scratcher.
  72. He goes to the skating party every year.
  73. He plays the same “game” with me every Christmas Eve.
  74. He thinks its okay to bring a book out to breakfast so you can read & eat.
  75. He makes a kick ass Robot Butler.
  76. He always helps me on the computer.
  77. He never laughs at me when I cry ‘cause Leo died.
  78. He loves a good movie date night.
  79. He makes awesome costumes.
  80. He has very kissable lips.
  81. He understands why it is awesome that “God put his picture on the fridge”
  82. He thinks my glasses are sexy.
  83. He often comes to have lunch with me at work.
  84. He drank red wine with me on our first anniversary.
  85. He doesn’t notice how grey I am going.
  86. He understands that Trailer Breakfast is a thing a beauty to be revered.
  87. He loves Lost as much as I do.
  88. He loves Pamcakes.
  89. He understands the smell of Sunlight dish liquid brings out the crazy in me.
  90. He understands the deviation from a plan is hard on me.
  91. He loves the Bunnies at White Point as much as I do.
  92. He never resents it when I want to do stuff with other people.
  93. He eats purple popcicles far from me.
  94. He doesn’t laugh if I say SIN number or PIN number.
  95. He doesn’t get grossed out when I talk about lady stuff.
  96. He understands that celebrating milestones is important to me.
  97. He remembers to do things like test the smoke detector.
  98. He thinks that Steak & a Blow Job Day is funny.
  99. He gets along really well with my Big Brother.
  100. He gets really mad if people are mean to me.
  101. He indulges my addiction to Starbucks.
  102. He lives by the Tomato code
  103. He thinks that charity auctions are fun.
  104. He drives me all over the place without complaint.
  105. He bought me a beautiful house.
  106. He always votes.
  107. He is not afraid of hard work.
  108. His Meggy dance.
  109. He always does his share of house work.
  110. He is the best husband in the world.