Friday, July 15, 2011


I don't know how it happened but somehow I went from thinking about buying a car to owning a car! Yeah, that's right bitches I own a CAR!!! Today I signed all the paper work and drove away with my own car.
I really don't know what happened in the middle. I was asked a few questions, I corrected people on the correct spelling of my name about 42 times. And then I owned a car. It's outside right now. It's blue and pretty and .... well it's mine!
okay. I have to go and stroke my baby a little more.  Pictures soon!

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Grown Up

Today I feel like a grown up. I went to the bank and talked like a grown up. I told the man I wanted to do a very grown up thing... and he basically said yes. So I am buying a car! Can you believe that? I mean it, I am going to be a home owner, a wife and a car owner. SHIT! That is so friggin' wild. When did my life become so middle class and weird and awesome?  I have spent to whole evening shaking my head in wonder and looking at used cars.  Life is so weird.

Monday, July 04, 2011


I am not sure what is the matter with me tonight but I am in a mood, the cranky kind not the "lalala flowers!" kind. I don't have a reason to be in a bad mood. Nothing bad happened today. No mean customers. No fights with my husband. No bad driving experiences. Just a plain ol' crappy mood. It happens.
Today I did something I have never done before. I took myself out for lunch... in the car. That was pretty damn cool. I really wanted out of the office for a little while so I just got in the car and went. I still feel like I am doing something naughty, like I am taking the car without permission but I am sure that will pass with time.
After having had the dogs in the Subaru a few times I am more determined than ever to buy a "dog car" for me and so I have made an appointment for myself at the bank later in the week. I am going to find out what I need to do in order to get a loan. I am nervous, I haven't ever done anything like this before. I feel like I am coming of age all over again. If only I had known 15 years ago what I know now.

Friday, July 01, 2011

The first day of the rest of my life.

So yesterday was the last day of our thirty day Totally Supportive and Slightly Belligerent writing challenge and I am ready to call it a success, counting yesterday I missed three days however they were three days were I was enjoying life too much to sit down and commit to writing. Enjoyment of life is more important than anything, including writing challenges. The other thing about yesterday is that I successfully completed my road test. I was so over the moon with joy but oddly enough was not doing much driving because I was just too excited to concentrate. But today, today was a different story. Today was the first day of my life as a driver. I drove with a dog in the car, I took Gil with me for our first trip out just to make sure that I could handle it. Oliver got his IV catheter out AND he had a good bathroom experience AND he ate from a bowl!!! I had to hold it but he ate from a bowl. Big day for our boy! When he was all settled and Gil had the situation in hand (they were all settling in for an afternoon nap) so I took my opportunity, grabbed my camera and the car keys and took myself on my first solo car ride. I had my iPod with my tunes, I had my A/C cranked and  I just drove. It was awesome. There was at least one part where I became a little nervous but I think that I handled myself well. I am not just tooting my own horn. I don't think that passing my road test had made me a magically great driver, I am not deluded; I have a long way to go before I become a good driver. However I was able to keep myself calm and do what I needed to do to feel safe. My camera and I stopped along the coast in Cowbay to take some pictures and to just take in the event. I felt like a million by the times I got home. I can't wait to get out and do it again. I have a feeling this car and I will be best friends before long. I know that it might get boring eventually but for now, for now it is amazing and freeing and just incredible. I know that I had to do it when the time was right, I know if I did it before I was ready I would have failed but now, 24 hours later, I wonder how I never did this before. People said this would happen and it is true. My list of things I want to do by myself is growing by leaps and bounds. Sometime this weekend I am taking Lulu and we are going to the beach, just the two of us, girls day out.

My first solo car adventure!