Friday, July 01, 2011

The first day of the rest of my life.

So yesterday was the last day of our thirty day Totally Supportive and Slightly Belligerent writing challenge and I am ready to call it a success, counting yesterday I missed three days however they were three days were I was enjoying life too much to sit down and commit to writing. Enjoyment of life is more important than anything, including writing challenges. The other thing about yesterday is that I successfully completed my road test. I was so over the moon with joy but oddly enough was not doing much driving because I was just too excited to concentrate. But today, today was a different story. Today was the first day of my life as a driver. I drove with a dog in the car, I took Gil with me for our first trip out just to make sure that I could handle it. Oliver got his IV catheter out AND he had a good bathroom experience AND he ate from a bowl!!! I had to hold it but he ate from a bowl. Big day for our boy! When he was all settled and Gil had the situation in hand (they were all settling in for an afternoon nap) so I took my opportunity, grabbed my camera and the car keys and took myself on my first solo car ride. I had my iPod with my tunes, I had my A/C cranked and  I just drove. It was awesome. There was at least one part where I became a little nervous but I think that I handled myself well. I am not just tooting my own horn. I don't think that passing my road test had made me a magically great driver, I am not deluded; I have a long way to go before I become a good driver. However I was able to keep myself calm and do what I needed to do to feel safe. My camera and I stopped along the coast in Cowbay to take some pictures and to just take in the event. I felt like a million by the times I got home. I can't wait to get out and do it again. I have a feeling this car and I will be best friends before long. I know that it might get boring eventually but for now, for now it is amazing and freeing and just incredible. I know that I had to do it when the time was right, I know if I did it before I was ready I would have failed but now, 24 hours later, I wonder how I never did this before. People said this would happen and it is true. My list of things I want to do by myself is growing by leaps and bounds. Sometime this weekend I am taking Lulu and we are going to the beach, just the two of us, girls day out.

My first solo car adventure!


Shannon said...

Perhaps, one day, a big jet airliner, will carry you to me???

Angela_Windsor_NS said...

I loved reading this post. I felt so many of the same things the first time I went out to drive by myself. It was an amazing experience. For the first few weeks of having my licence I bragged about it to anyone who would listen. I guess 16 is not the right time for everyone because it certainly wasn't for me. It may have taken us both a long time but we both have them and we're both truly awesome :)