Sunday, November 04, 2007

Life in the fast lane!

Well here we go. Starting the Clomid in the next few days and I don't mind telling you I am scared and excited and nervous and and and.... so many things.
Gil and I are talking a lot, communication is the key issue here, I don't want trying to get pregnant to be a strain on our relationship. By all accounts the emotional side affects of this drug can be horrific. I want this so badly but I don't look forward to hormone hell. I guess it will be better when I know what to expect, right now I am all just jumbled up. I am scared. I am scared about lots of things. I am scared about the meds, I am scared I won't get pregnant, I am scared that I will and then I will turn out to be a terrible mother... etc....
anyway I guess I am a bit of a basket case. blah blah rant.

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