Sunday, May 07, 2006

100 things about me Part 2....

27. I actually like the taste of water.
28. I TRY to drink 2 lites of the H2O a day.
29. I fail more often then I suceed.
30. I had "special" water imported in from the UK.
31. I am in fact 31.
32. I will be 32 when I get married.
33. I can't wait for my ring to get here!
34. As of today we have 14 months until the big day.
35. I am scared that 14 months is not enough time to plan.
36. I am a drama queen.
37. I tend to start projects and not see them through.
38. That is my REAL fear about the wedding.
39. Today I went for an amazing walk.
40. Yesterday I joined Weight Watchers.
41. These are both things I am afraid I won't follow through on.
42. I had another brain freeze at 42.
43. I hate my neighbour hammering at 9 am on the weekends.
44. My mother was 44 when she died of breast cancer.
45. This is one of the leading reasons I NEED to lose weight.
46. I check my email WAY too often.
47. I watch too much tv.
48. TV is like food to me, it numbs.
49. I have too many grey hairs.
50. I am not a go grey gracefully kind of girl, I am just too lazy to colour it.

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