Saturday, April 26, 2008

Saturday morning bliss...

The house is a little too cold for my liking, I turned the heat off too early again this year, I was fooled by spring again. Those two weeks of warmth and sunshine lulled me into a false sense of security, I forgot the basics, I live in Nova Scotia. However the hot tea is helping to warm my hands and my innards. My feet are warming in the knitted slippers and I have stolen the "brother sweater" from Gil's side of the closet and I am wearing it like a hug. I am not always a practical dresser but with age I am learning the subtle art of layering, of not turning up the heat because I am cold. This house has taught me much about warmth. At the moment it is teaching me about silence, how there is no such thing. The hum of the computer, the trickle of the cats water fountain, the keys clicking beneath my fingers. And yet there is such stillness while the cat and the husband sleep, huddled beneath the covers together, sharing their body heat. I wish it could be like this every morning. Mornings like this my fears are squished back into the very back of my mind, everything seems safe and steady. Time is not flying past me at speeds I can't manage. Up early in the gray light of dawn I snuck out with my girls to the market where I enjoyed hot coffee, warm cinnamon buns, and the therapeutic company of girl friends. I came home with a bag laden with breads and cheese and meat and a pervasive feeling of calm, the house still quiet and dark. While I know there are errands to be run today I am certainly in no hurry to break this reverie.

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