Sunday, February 15, 2009

How I had the best Valentines Day of my life.

I have been very lucky to have had several very lovely Valentines Days in my life. A few very romantic. A few a little strange. And some memorable for less pleasant reasons. I have had flowers from a secret admirer and a limo drive with champagne. But nothing can top the day that Gil and I had yesterday. Here is what happened. We got up, we ran some errands. we tidied the house. I tried to have a nap. He played his computer game. We made dinner and got ready to have some friends over to play board games. We snarked at each other. We watched an episode of Lost and then an episode of Hero's. Friends arrived and we played the most complicated board game of all time. We stayed up too late talking because all the snack foods and caffeine made me feel sick and awake. We fell asleep happy. Yup that's it. No flowers. No cards. No gifts. No fancy dinner at a fancy restaurant. No overture because the calendar told us to. Nope we decided that we love each other enough the other 364 days a year we didn't need to prove it to ourselves or anyone else with the stress with both feel over such events. So we did it our way and I am pleased to report that this February the 14th was a tremendous day. Yay us. Ain't love grand?

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