Sunday, October 02, 2005

30 years old is TOO old for hickies!! And other funny stories.

Okay today was a funny day and not ALL haha funny. I woke at the crack of dawn (or noon) to the phone ringing. It was my sister saying that mom was on her way to pick us up to take us to tea... 5 hours later mother arrived. You might think this angered me or that I was worried she was dead in a ditch or that I would have learned the last 100 times that mother NEVER arrives on time and I should NOT hop right in the shower and panic getting ready. But I did none of the above. So finally she arrived but it was too late for tea and everyone was getting to that hungry and tired so we just headed to Wong's for some Chinese. I can't remember the last time just us girls (Mom, Elizabeth, Tiffany and I) all spent anytime together so it was pretty nice. My family tree is so twisted, messed up and convoluted thing I don't have time to explain it all but I will say that the mom who I had dinner with is not the woman who brought me into the world or nurtured me through the first ten years of my life. She is also not the evil bitch my dad married after my saited mother died. She is however the woman who has held my hand, protected me and loved me since I was 13 years old. The best thing in the world is knowing that someone loves you no matter what with no legal or parental obligation. I love days like today when we spend time together and I never feel like an outsider, my family drives me friggin' crazy but I really know that they are mine. Anyway I just had a sappy moment but now it has passed.
Sweet Baboo and I were feeling frisky tonight and he left a hicky on either side of my neck. I have to go to a baby shower tomorrow for one of my best friends, with respectable adults with two love bites on my neck! That man is in so much trouble but of course he is forgiven 'cause the frisky was fun.

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