Thursday, April 06, 2006

Why can't we live like Hippos and Turtles?

Want to read a story that will warm your heart? Okay go here. Thank you to my wonderful Fiance for sending that to me on a cold glum day to cheer me up. If only the rest of the world could be so loving and good.
It is cold and crappy here today, we even had a bit of snow last night. I am SO ready for some good, warm weather. I saw a crew building the garden center at the Superstore up the road from us and my first thought was "WOOT garden!" my second thought was "It is WAY to cold to garden" and my third thought was " YAY I am not going back to the garden center this year!" Although I must confess that I am sad not to be working with Sara or Theresa. It is the end of an era. A cold, wet, aching era. Thank gos for my nice worm desk job. Which I should be getting back to before Wanda's head explodes. We are getting ready for a trade show next week and stressing is running high, for everyone but me. I am totally chilled and looking FORWARD to the trade show. I am sure I will learn to hate them in the future but this is my first one so YAY!

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