Saturday, December 06, 2008

Some more Christmas pictures....

I am going to put up my tree today. But while it is still quiet in and warm and lovely in the house (and I am trying desperately to keep it that way while my Gilly get some much earned rest) I am going to give you some more Christmas pictures of me too look at. 'Cause I really am that vain.

Okay, clearly these pictures were all taken the same year and I would have to guess that it is also 1991 because I am wearing my "I got these cool stockings when I spent the summer in London" outfit. Actually I must say I was a pretty cool teenager, by this point I had really started to mellow out and find my own unique (?) style and vibe.
Shortly after these pictures were taken I met one of the coolest boys I ever dated. He was from Australia, he played guitar, he introduced me some awesome music which still ranks high in my
musical preferences. He was also pretty damn smart and funny, and he would only be in Canada until February so it had that sort of hurried, urgent romantic vibe that I think can only be enjoyed when you are under 25.

This is him playing his guitar on Christmas eve 1991, sitting in the chair is his AWESOME sister Marilyn, one of the coolest chicks I have ever met. The bum leading up to the red shirt is me, I am glad the picture was not of my face as I was probably drooling. and the crazy long hair and pink T-Shirt is Mona. Oh Mona I love you so. Some day I will have to dedicate a whole post to her, but she was my best friend in high school or at least the first two years.
You know come to think of it this is the same Christmas eve a certain unnamed staffer gave me Gravol to get to sleep. No wonder I was so excited. *drool*

I am going to ask Gil to hook up the scanner later on so I can grab some pictures of my actual childhood. We shall see how that turns out.

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