Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 in review....

Okay so it's not a very creative topic for my 200th blog post but this has been a VERY big year and I think it is important to take stock in order to move forward. I am not a big fan of New Years Eve. I find the pressure to have super fun is just crippling. I don't like getting shit faced drunk, I don't like staying up late. Anyway this is all by way of saying that I don't like New Years Eve, but I love New Years. I love the hope, I love the possibility. Really it is like the beginning of a relationship. But you can't move on to a new relationship until you have done a postmortem on the last one.
So 2008 was a year of great change for Clan Richard's Dartmouth Branch. We began the year amid the hormone induced horror that was Clomid. In retrospect I have no regrets about trying it and even less about not trying it longer. If something doesn't work for you there is no point in torturing yourself with it. If I had to do it all over the only thing I would change is the time of year that we did this. Winter is already so hard for me, I can't imagine what we were thinking to have added the Clomid in November of all months. But we did it and we survived.
Mid winter we decided that we needed to make a new plan, the clomid was not what was best for us, not for me as an individual and not for our marriage so we started to look more closely at adoption. It made sense, it seemed a much better fit for us. We went with it and haven't looked back. It has its trials and frustrations but it feels like the right thing for both of us. We like that.
Spring blew in like a lion and wrecked havoc in it's path. We remained intact but we had one friend who lost a husband in a car wreck and another lost her husband to an affair and it cast a dark shadow on all of us. Both these beautiful strong women are getting through day to day and I have the deepest respect for them.
Late spring and summer brought up home. We weren't looking to buy right away but this beautiful home landed in our laps and the timing could not have been more perfect.
Owning a home is not without challenges both financially and mentally but Gil and I are doing it and I think it has made our partnership that much stronger.
September was a mixed bag. I had a health scare which really had a deep impact on me mentally. I have been in a bit of a fog the last few months but it is starting to lift and I am starting to feel like my old self. September also brought us Mango. Our newest fur baby is a serious hand full but she is so sweet I can never stay mad at her.
In October my big brother came home from a long deployment which was a very happy time. We also got to have our second wedding anniversary and our first Thanksgiving and Halloween in the house.
The beginning of winter has had its share of winter blah's but I am keeping busy. Thinking about switching jobs. Thinking about going back to school. Working on projects around the house. We had our first Christmas here and we are pretty damned happy.
There has been a lot of change this year and I am not sad to see the end of 2008 but I am so happy to be where I am. I am living the good life.
Here is to 2009, may you be strong and healthy and happy.

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