Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Well at long last we have some good news on the adoption front. Thank goodness. I have not been talking much about the adoption process because I have been trying not to dwell on it because it makes me a little crazy. We have been stuck for a number of weeks because they have been trying to locate MY file from children's aid. Why they need it to continue with our home study is a mystery to me but that is a rant for another time. At any rate it has been so slow. I have been really patient but persistent with my emails seeing where we are in the process. And today I got a late Christmas gift, early birthday present; an email from the social worker saying they have my file so we can proceed to the next step. With any luck a home study is our very near future. I am so excited I spent the day jumping out of my skin. It was a nice change of pace to be in a good mood all day.
Gil had some great news today too. But I have to wait a while before I share that. It is not my news to share and he is feeling squirly about it.

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