Saturday, September 19, 2009


Houston we have a date for our home study!! Okay so that doesn't roll off the tongue so easy but it is true. We have a new social worker and we are going to meet her next Thursday at 3:30 here in our home and we are going to start. I am terribly nervous because I don't get to be in control in this situation but more then nervous I am just plain excited. I know that given the chance Gil and I will be great parents, especially as a team. We really are a good team. I love him so much. I love that he makes me a better person. I am feeling very gushy about him today but I won't make you all gag by running on and on about the depth and breadth of my love.
Of course there is a huge part of me that wants to clean this house until every surface gleams but there is a part of me that just wants her to see us for who we really are, and let's face it. Neat freaks we are not. Our house is nice, it is comfortable, it is not usually "dirty" but it is often untidy. I don't think that would make us better or worse parents. I try to follow the fly lady and one of these days I might even get get good at it but in the mean time I don't think many people have gone to their grave wishing that their house had been cleaner. Unless of course their dirty house killed them, that would be awful.
Well I am off to run errands because I am officially turned into my mother, I am dropping winter coats off to be dry cleaned. Have mercy on me.

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