Saturday, September 19, 2009

Weird things that happen in my house...

Okay, I have a great many friends. They are all unique and special to me. They are a veritable rainbow of weird and wonderful however some of them are weirder then others. For example this weekend we played host to our friend T. who is a bonafide hippy. I am very fond of T. and we have been friends for a LONG time. As a bonus he also clicked perfectly with my darling husband so we are all amused when T. comes for a visit. Along with food that is entirely to healthy, as we always insist that T. cooks, we also have the most bizarre conversations like the one that follows...

Me:places empty pop bottle in green bin
T : "oh I was saving that in case I need to poop."
Me: " Oh it was empty."
T: "yeah, I was saving it because I don't use toilet paper."
M: stunned silence...
M again: "OH!"

Yup weird and only in my house. I love my friends and I love my life.

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