Sunday, October 11, 2009

Post 300!

Well here we sit full of turkey and all the trimmings. I am in my favorite chair, my beloved husband is snoozing on the sofa as is his father. In the kitchen I hear my mother in law starting to clean up. I am not going to try and stop her, it would be futile, plus I have been cooking and cleaning all day and I welcome the break. It is a little chilly but I have on comfy slippers and a good sweater. I have a cup of tea on the go. Life is pretty much perfect. I have so much to be thankful for and I am glad I took sometime to recognize that this week.
`I feel like I am right where I should be in my life and that is such a good feeling. No things have not happened the way I planned but I don't think that is a bad thing. I know that I seldom discuss my religious beliefs here and that is not by design necessarily, it just has not been terribly pertinent. I do believe in god and I do believe that what ever she/he/it is, they are present in my daily life. I think I have never been more then I can handle even if I didn't think I could handle it at the time. I think that my life is formed by the choices that I make but I feel divine presence in the good choices. That is how I know they are good. Anyway I guess what I am trying to say that I am feeling the goodness in my life, in my universe. Thank you god or universe or Mom. Thank you for this beautiful life.

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