Thursday, July 15, 2010

I am sitting here on my deck, laptop, camera, Starbucks, pre-dusk and all I can think is, this is true contentment. Oh sure I am sweaty and probably a little smelly; true I am being eaten alive by mosquitoes (I swear I even have a bite on the bottom of my foot!) But the air, it smells just like summer should. There are kids running maniacally up and down the road. I can hear the sound of a pipe and drum band drifting up the hill from somewhere. The sun is a low orange ball in the sky. There are birds singing, Really it is as picturesque as you can imagine. Evenings like this when all is right with the world it is so easy to count my blessings. I really do have it all... and what I don't have I can live without no matter how hard it seems sometimes. It is so easy to over look the little wonderful things each day holds, especially when I am tired or stressed or melting from the humidity. I sometimes feel like I come across as negative and I don't like that aspect of myself.... but tonight I am happy. I am just going to roll with it. Peace out homies!

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