Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Chocolate Tube Socks and A Newfie on Speed

Sometimes you just hear things wrong! You remember the telephone game from when you were a kid? Well I hear things mixed up like that all the time, I think that there is a bad connection somewhere between my ears and my brain. No wonder people think I am so weird. Anyway the chocolate tube socks almost made me piss my pants last night, which I have to say was the high light of my otherwise crappy headache day yesterday. I actually called in sick for the first time at new job and I feel so bad for doing it but I just was not getting out of bed yesterday. I hope that is my last sick day for a long time. I like this job and don't want to mess it up with sickness or with evil winter blues, but more on that later. For now I better get back to my desk, break time is just about over.

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