Monday, January 09, 2006

Monday Blues... a compilation by Meghan

I am without a Gilly tonight and the house feels big and quiet. I am not stressed or sad about him being away like I was before Christmas. I just wish he were here to go to bed with. I feel like I got a lot done tonight. The spare room/computer room actually looks something like a room now. I think I can probably finish it tomorrow night. I can't believe how many books we own. It is positivly obscene. No wonder moving was such a pain in the ass! I swear I would be happy to never move again. If only I could tear down the plaster walls and put up ones that were easier to hang things up on. Oh well i will find a way to have my way with these walls. I should post some pictures soon but I am waiting for the house to not look so gross. Can you believe I am still in boxes?? I really bailed on the unpacking process I confess. But I am feeling pretty good now I am on a roll as long as I can keep with it.
Well this is short and sweet, I am exhausted and think that 10:30 is a perfectly respectable bed time (oh how the times have changed)
I swear I will post some christmas/birthday pictures this week.
Night night....

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