Wednesday, January 11, 2006

More things I love.

1. This is some of the best stuff on TV. Gil and I own the first 5 seasons on DVD and we could(and have) watched them over and over. I was so sad when I heard John Spencer died, he was a good man and a great actor.
2. More great TV! NUMB3RS is another show Gil and I love to watch together. Although I confess I have been watching it without him this week while he has been away. It is part of my program of unpacking the computer room. What is truly wonderful is that the 'hero' of this show is a total math geek. We love anything that honours the geek for the geek shall inherit the earth.
3. The last time Gil went away for a long time I ate terribly, but this time thanks to these guys I am eating like the Queen I am! I swear I could eat something from there every night, in fact maybe I will.

Hmm that is it for now, but I love LOTS of stuff so stay tuned.

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