Thursday, June 09, 2011

Day 9 - In which we take a mental health break

Well I have moved through the psychotic part of my burn out (see day 4) and have progressed to the weepy portion of the show. I put on a spectacular water works show at my desk this morning and decided it was time for a mental health day, or at least half day. I didn't sugar coat it for my boss, I told her that I was probably going to be useless so it would be better for everyone if I just went home and took some time to clear my head. I could have lied and said I was sick but I think she really appreciated that I was honest and told her I was just falling apart. My mental health is worth so much more than half a days wages. I am so lucky that I have a boss who totally understand that and even more lucky that I have the kind of job where I can afford to take half a day off without repercussion.
Other things I am grateful for include:
Tomorrow is Friday and I am going to wear my jeans to work
Terry made Gil and I the most amazing dinner so I got to visit with a good friend AND get fed
New stuff from Lush for my weekend away
No pee accidents in the kitchen all day!
14 years of friendship and I am still laughing and feeling valued.
The end of the day being better than the beginning.

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